Saturday 6 November 2010


Versus Economics

Business owners who treat others in an ethical manner may well benefit over competitors who do not follow such an ethos.

Of course, the view of what 'ethical' means will differ from business to business, and person to person... so this is quite a subjective word, but a general rule of thumb is 'does it feel right?'.

For example, I wonder if the people and organisations backing the Nocton Dairy venture considered:

1.  Does it feel right that a large agri-business is able to move in and build an intensive industrial-style dairy so close to residential properties in a quiet, rural village location?

2.  Does it feel right that such a development should be built right on top of a sensitive aquifer providing drinking water to local villages?

3.  Does it feel right to risk potential contamination of the valuable water supply, from the huge amount of waste that will be produced in such a concentrated fashion?

4.  Does it feel right to expect others to bear the burden of any negative impacts from such a development, without providing anything in return?

This issue isn't about legality though... because this development may well yet get planning permission... so legality is utterly irrelevent to the ethical argument.

With hindsight, perhaps the dairy sector should be reviewing what could have been done differently to have avoided the negative public reaction against this development and their industry.

And instead of promoting the messages of competitiveness and profitability from such a development, perhaps they should have given more consideration to the ethical argument.

The Tug of War - Ethical vs. Economic Decisions

'This is the first in a series of articles on connections between the environment and our personal life choices.'

What is Ethics?

'Some years ago, sociologist Raymond Baumhart asked business people, "What does ethics mean to you?"'

Ethics in Agriculture

A thought provoking article by Don de Beyer.

Animals, Ethics and Trade

'The complexities of animal behaviour revealed in the last few decades are astonishing, but what are the implications?'

Animal welfare and the intensification of animal production

'This essay explores key features of the intensification of animal production in relation to animal welfare and animal ethics.'

Ethical issues in Food and Agriculture

'Technological advances and organizational changes affecting agrifood systems in recent years have been radical and rapid; the repercussions, however, will be felt for a long time to come and the consequences may be irreversible.'



  2. Thank you for this link, but I really fail to see what the statistics have to do with the comment and articles on ethics in food and agriculture.


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