Saturday 24 February 2018

Nocton and Potterhanworth Neighbourhood Plan - amendment

NKDC Meeting 28 Feb 2018

There is a 'Neighbourhood Planning' item that appears on the Agenda of the Communities and Economy Overview and Scrutiny Panel, due to be held at the offices of North Kesteven District Council on Wed 28 Feb 2018 at 5.00pm.

This will incorporate a report from the Partnerships Manager, but will also include a representation from Nocton Parish Council.

Please see the following extracts from the Parish Council Minutes/Notes, which gives more information:

Parish Council Minutes dated 12 Dec 2017

Item 112: Neighbourhood Plan and Local Plan – Growth Targets

"The Parish Council’s attention had been drawn to the apparent interpretation being given by NKDC Planning Officers to the housing growth targets for Nocton and Potterhanworth and to the relationship between the policies of the NPPF, the Local and the Neighbourhood Plan.  This had led to a recent planning application for a single dwelling in Potterhanworth being recommended for approval despite strong local objection, including from its Parish Council.

As a consequence, the Parish Council was extremely concerned to learn that, as things stood, the Neighbourhood Plan may prove to be less effective in preventing development which did not accord with local wishes than was originally understood to be the case.

The Parish Council agreed the terms of a suggested response to NKDC which outlined its extreme disquiet at the apparent situation and calling for an urgent meeting with its Planning Officers to consider what action could be taken to ensure the Neighbourhood Plan was used as residents of both villages intended.  The meeting would also seek to involve representatives of Potterhanworth Parish Council and our local district councillors.

In the meantime, it was agreed that DCllr Kendrick would feedback the Council’s views to NKDC and report back to the Parish Council."

Notes of the Parish Council Meeting dated 30 Jan 2018

Item 128: Neighbourhood Plan and Local Plan

"Following the Examiner’s amendments to the Neighbourhood Plan (NP), it is not able to provide the degree of protection from unwanted/unwarranted development within the two villages as was clearly the intention when the Plan was first developed.  A system for the modification of any NP is, however, possible via a new and untested process.

It was proposed by Cllr Murray, seconded by Cllr Goldsworthy and it was RESOLVED that the modification of the NP be undertaken to make the changes required and that the NP Steering Group be reconvened to develop the required amendment to the NP for submission to the local Planning Authority in accordance with the relevant procedures as defined in the Neighbourhood Planning Act, 2017 (the Act).

This will involve a six week period of consultation and an independent re-examination of the NP.  It was noted that the procedure does not require the holding a further local referendum and it is hoped that the necessary submission to NKDC can be made by the end of April.

A similar proposal is being made by Potterhanworth Parish Council at its January meeting."

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