Sunday, 29 September 2013

200 Club

Winners from draw - Friday 27th September

First prize - Steven Dickinson (176)
Second prize - Steven Wheatley (183)
Third prize - Kate Tyler (173)

Congratulations to you all.

Winner - Steve Dickinson with Jane Kania

Saturday, 28 September 2013

Canwick Hill

Lincoln junctions to get £3.4m facelift

This project should improve our travel into Lincoln once work has been completed. In the main, I think the improvements are well designed... but there is one major flaw for the traffic coming up Canwick Hill in my opinion.

The decision to leave a single carriageway in place (just before the left turn to Heighington) will create an unnecessary pinch point when traffic attempts to merge from the dual carriageway. Any slow moving vehicles on this single carriageway (either attempting a left turn to Heighington, or involving slow moving HGVs), will cause bunching and a possible tail back. This somewhat defeats the purpose of the dual carriageway design lower down Canwick Hill which aims to free up the flow of traffic.

Funding granted for Canwick Road improvement works

"Funding has been granted for improvement works at the Canwick Road and South Park Avenue junction, one of the busiest in Lincoln."

Documentation can be located here:

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Parish Council

From Nocton Parish Council

Just to let you know that an informal public meeting will be held next Tuesday (1st October 2013)  at 6.30 pm, prior to the Parish Council meeting.  Nick Jones, Visual Arts Manager from ArtsNK,  is going to outline the proposed design for the possible new village bench.  Cliff Baxendale has also been invited to attend the meeting, to enable the Parish Council to congratulate him on his recent North Kesteven Community Champion Award.

You are very welcome to attend this arts meeting at 6.30pm and stay, if you wish, for the Parish Council meeting commencing at 7.00pm.

Kind regards

Cllr Jilly Burr
for Nocton Parish Council

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Lincolnshire Day 2013

Memo from Jilly Burr - 23rd September

Hi Everyone

You’ll no doubt know about “The GREAT Lincolnshire Quiz”, Saturday 5th October.  We’re just mailing out to gauge reactions so far please – a couple of rounds will require a little more organisation and it would be so useful to know who intends to come along.  If you have already got your team together and will be buying your Team Ticket in the next few days, or are considering turning up on the night with your team, or indeed are turning up in the hope of finding a team to join. (which you can do – and even if you don’t take part in the quiz, take part in the raffle and enjoy the bar) ...... could we ask you to very informally RSVP for us please, as this will be a great help.

Thank you one and all.

“Chez Doodle”

“They think it’s all Lincolnshire ... it is now!”

Thursday, 19 September 2013


Have you heard them?

There has been a noticeable increase in the number of heavy explosions surrounding the village over the last week or so. These do not appear to be the usual propane gas guns that we encounter at certain times of the year to protect crops and I'm wondering if a geological survey is being carried out... possibly for oil or potential fracking sites.

If anyone has any information on the nature of these explosions, will they please leave a message below - many thanks.

Monday, 16 September 2013

Nocton Doodle

Issue 19

'Hello Everyone

Please find attached the latest edition of “the Doodle” and some “Extra Jottings”.

Lots to read and to mark in your diaries this month ... enjoy!


Jilly B
“the Doodle”

Sunday, 15 September 2013

Saturday, 14 September 2013

Thursday, 12 September 2013

Charity coffee morning

Writer Fiona is starring in her own charity tale

"Fiona, a former Lincolnshire County Council employee, is currently planning two fund-raising events to take place later this month.

She will be holding a coffee morning at the Nocton Club on September 27 from 10am-1pm. Coffee, cakes and a tombola will be provided, donations voluntary.

One hundred tickets for a black-tie ball at Branston Hall on September 20 have already sold out."

Saturday, 7 September 2013

Cllr Marianne Overton

September News

The email below was received yesterday:

"Dear Friends and Colleagues,

We had three public meetings just before the summer break and making your views known. You agreed a motion which I am taking forward. The motion was that:

1)    The number of houses proposed is too high and should be rejected and a smaller number sought, in line with the housing needs of the people of Lincolnshire
2)    Housing development should be limited to match the jobs, services and infrastructure actually available.

The priority should be on improving economic activity in our small and medium sized businesses. That would help raise money and jobs for services and housing in balance. Thank you to all who have already responded to the consultations. There are three days to add your voice and count on the Core Strategy, which would be hugely appreciated. There is further information attached and on the web. (

My September newsletter is also attached which I hope you will find useful.

Your View is needed
There are four consultations out now described under “Two campaigns” in my newsletter.
The Library Service cuts Housing Development proposals for Central Lincolnshire; in three parts; the overall core strategy and the detailed sites for each village and the “roof tax” or CIL.

Please have a look and respond at least briefly, as the number of responses makes a difference.
I am offering further drop-in sessions in Navenby, Coleby and Dunston. Come along to ask questions, fill in a response form or sign a petition. Deadline for responses on the development are Monday 9th and 16th. Response to the library proposals is later, by the end of the month.

NEW: Drop-in sessions: Navenby and Coleby
Navenby: I am at the Navenby Archaeology Open Day on Saturday 7th September from 10am. (The Archaeology event starts at 11am.) Please come along.
Coleby: Drop-in session at the Tempest, Coleby Sunday 8th at 5pm in time for the first deadline. And 6pm on Monday 9th September at the Tempest.
Dunston 21st and 22nd to coincide with the Scarecrow and Gnomes event. (Use e-mail to get formal responses in before Monday 9th 5pm)

Votes for money
Also, there is an opportunity to vote to help Dunston IDEAS project for play equipment or Branston Skatepark get £1,000. Your votes are needed.

Many Kind Regards,
Cllr Marianne Overton
Independent County and District Councillor for Navenby and Branston District and the Cliff Villages
Leader of the Lincolnshire Independents
01400 273323

Thursday, 5 September 2013

Parish Council

Report for Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 3 September 2013

The Speed Indicator Device has finally been rescued and is now under the ‘charge’ of Cllr Graham Jones on behalf of Nocton and the other villages within our cluster group.  The Council will now be contacting the other parishes to agree an arrangement for sharing SID.  As far we are concerned, SID will be sited in rotation at the two main entrances to the village on the B1202 and on Wellhead Lane. Hopefully this will have a positive effect in reducing the speed of traffic along these roads.  In due course it is hoped that information gathered from the device on the speed and volume of traffic will be analysed and published in The Doodle.

Police Report
During the last month there have been three reported crimes in the village.  One agricultural theft (a bird scarer machine) and one domestic theft in Wellhead Lane, where a bike was stolen from a shed.  There was also an attempted break-in to another shed in Wrays Yard.  No one yet has been apprehended.

Neighbourhood Watch Scheme
More by luck than judgment, given the previous item, it is proposed to introduce a Neighbourhood Watch in Nocton.  Cllr Jones is spearheading this initiative and it is intended to hold an Open Meeting in early autumn to explain the benefits of the scheme to residents and ways in which they can become involved.  The scheme will run alongside the county- wide Lincs Alert that some of you may already have signed up to on line.

Village Hall
Work is in hand to get some more comfortable chairs and Cllr Burr has arranged to have a sample chair delivered to try out before an order is placed.

Estimates are also being obtained to spruce up the outside of the Hall and to finally replace the fence.  Larger projects such as lagging the roof space, replacing heaters, lighting etc in line with a recently completed Energy Review of the building will be decided on once the Parish Council has a clearer idea on how soon a more comprehensive refurbishment of the Village Hall can be carried out.

Best Kept Village
Unfortunately, Nocton did not make it through to the final round of judging (which is taking place during the first week in September).  We are currently trying to find out whether we made it through the first round and what areas we can improve upon for next year.  However, although the result of the competition was disappointing, the “Tidy Days” organised by Cllr Burr were deemed a great success and led to a significant improvement in the appearance in our village..

A “Yes” and “No”
Yes, the proposed finger signpost to point out village features is being taken forward, but No parking will now be allowed on the Village Green.

Cllr Williams will continue to see that the planters at the three entrances to the village are kept in good order and plants ordered for the seasons.  Volunteers are always welcome to help with planting and care.  Therefore, if you see a weed, feel free to pull it out and if the plants are thirsty – then a can or two of water helps!

200 Club
A cheque for an impressive sum of £2,400 from the “200 Club” was handed to the Parish Council to be used for ‘Community ‘Projects.  The Parish Council has earmarked £1,400 of this for the purpose of helping to set up a Youth Club for young people in the village (more detailed proposals for setting up this Club will be considered at the October meeting).  Suggestions for using the balance of the money include the reintroduction of a ‘Welcome Pack’ for new residents.  If you have any ideas on how this money should be spent for the benefit of the whole of the village then do, please, let either the Parish Clerk or one of your Councillors know.  Groups are also reminded that £500.00 has been set aside by the Parish Council to support the local clubs that operate in Nocton and it would welcome applications from them.

Neighbourhood Plan
It was agreed to hold exploratory talks with both Potterhanworth and Dunston to produce a joint Neighbourhood Plan.  So many of you responded to the Parish Plan in Nocton much of our groundwork will already have been covered.

Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.

Next meeting Monday 1 October at 7pm

Councillor MaryAnn Williams