September News
The email below was received yesterday:
"Dear Friends and Colleagues,
We had three public meetings just before the summer break and making your views known. You agreed a motion which I am taking forward. The motion was that:
1) The number of houses proposed is too high and should be rejected and a smaller number sought, in line with the housing needs of the people of Lincolnshire
2) Housing development should be limited to match the jobs, services and infrastructure actually available.
The priority should be on improving economic activity in our small and medium sized businesses. That would help raise money and jobs for services and housing in balance. Thank you to all who have already responded to the consultations. There are three days to add your voice and count on the Core Strategy, which would be hugely appreciated. There is further information attached and on the web. (
My September newsletter is also attached which I hope you will find useful.
Your View is needed
There are four consultations out now described under “Two campaigns” in my newsletter.
The Library Service cuts Housing Development proposals for Central Lincolnshire; in three parts; the overall core strategy and the detailed sites for each village and the “roof tax” or CIL.
Please have a look and respond at least briefly, as the number of responses makes a difference.
I am offering further drop-in sessions in Navenby, Coleby and Dunston. Come along to ask questions, fill in a response form or sign a petition. Deadline for responses on the development are Monday 9th and 16th. Response to the library proposals is later, by the end of the month.
NEW: Drop-in sessions: Navenby and Coleby
Navenby: I am at the Navenby Archaeology Open Day on Saturday 7th September from 10am. (The Archaeology event starts at 11am.) Please come along.
Coleby: Drop-in session at the Tempest, Coleby Sunday 8th at 5pm in time for the first deadline. And 6pm on Monday 9th September at the Tempest.
Dunston 21st and 22nd to coincide with the Scarecrow and Gnomes event. (Use e-mail to get formal responses in before Monday 9th 5pm)
Votes for money
Also, there is an opportunity to vote to help Dunston IDEAS project for play equipment or Branston Skatepark get £1,000. Your votes are needed.
Many Kind Regards,
Cllr Marianne Overton
Independent County and District Councillor for Navenby and Branston District and the Cliff Villages
Leader of the Lincolnshire Independents
01400 273323
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