Thursday, 9 January 2014

Parish Council

Parish Council Report – 7th January 2014

The first meeting of the New Year was very well attended and as with all New Years, new issues are introduced!

Village Hall Management Committee – Change of Constitution

A few additional minor amendments were made to the Village Hall Management Committee’s new Constitution so that the final version of the document could be in place for the Committee’s “first” meeting on 29th January 2014.  The new Constitution is, amongst other things, a necessary first step in the process of applying for grants, etc to enable the much-needed investment in the building to take place.  This exercise marks the start of a new and exciting phase in the life of the village’s most important asset and so if you are interested in getting involved, for example by becoming one of the permanent officers of the VHMC (Secretary, Treasurer or Booking Clerks) or one of the three Village Representatives, please see the further information provided in this edition of The Doodle.

Village Hall Licenses

For many years, Doreen Green (as Secretary to the VHMC) has been the licensee for our Village Hall.  However, under new regulations, corporate bodies or groups can now hold this position and it was agreed that for insurance and other reasons, it would be more appropriate the Parish Council to hold the License rather than an individual.  The Parish Council wished, however, to pay tribute to Doreen’s role as licensee during this time.

Youth Club Leader

Unfortunately, and despite having the necessary funding, etc in place, there had been a disappointing response to the advert to appoint a Youth Worker to lead and develop the proposed Nocton Youth Group.  It was, therefore, agreed to extend the deadline for the receipt of applications to 3rd February so if you are interested in this role, or know of someone else who might be, then please contact the Parish Clerk for further details and an application pack.  In the meantime, representatives of the Parish Council will meet shortly with the County Council’s Youth and Community Team to see how best to take this very important project forward.

LCC Speed Management Review

As part of the work of this project, a group has developed a survey to seek the views of councillors, parishes and other interested parties on speed management in Lincolnshire.  The Group is looking to obtain a wide range of views and it was agreed that, as the Highways Portfolio holder, Councilor Williams would respond to the report on behalf of the Parish Council.  (The Report’s comments can be viewed on the Nocton Blog).  If you also wish to have your say on this matter, then please respond to the survey by 9th February 2014 either by completing the online form which can be found at:

Joint Neighbourhood Plan

Building upon the success of the Nocton Parish Plan, the Parish Council is joining forces with Potterhanworth to draw up a Neighbourhood Plan to cover our area.  Sadly, Dunston did not wish to be a part of this initiative so the Plan will cover only the parishes of these two villages.

Big Energy Saving Network

Community Lincs is offering help and advice on what to do about the rising costs of energy.  It is intended, therefore, to invite specially trained advisors along to the Village Hall’s Wednesday Coffee Morning on 12 February so if you would like some advice on ways in which you can reduce your energy bills, the please come along, bringing your latest energy bill with you.  All advice, etc will, of course, be given in the strictest confidence.

Proposed Caravan Club Site at Kelkherd House Main Street

The Parish Council repeated its concern that the current access to this site which, it appears, has now been approved by the Caravan Club, did not appear to comply with the requirements proposed by LCC Highways.  Given the Parish Council’s previously expressed concerns about road safety on this particular stretch of road, it agreed to write to NKDC, Highways, the Caravan Club and the applicant urging them to work together before the site became operational to ensure that the access way is constructed in such a way as to minimise any impact on road safety.

Village Hall

It was decided to go ahead with the repairs to the Ladies Toilets at the Village Hall and, at the same time, to investigate the cause of the apparent subsidence of the building’s flooring.  These rather costly works are, unfortunately, necessary before any additional refurbishment and/or remodeling of the Village Hall can proceed.

Bridle Path

It was noted with some concern that there appeared to be an increasing use of the Bridle Path from Nocton to Dunston by cars and other vehicles.  It is understood that vehicles   do not have a right of way, and a notice at the entrance of the path clearly shows this.  Highways are to be asked what measures can be put in place to stop this unauthorized use and the matter will also be raised with Beeswax Farming when its representative attends the Parish Council’s next meeting.

Grass verge on Sharp bend of Potterhanworth Road

Highways are again to be asked for marker posts to be positioned to stop traffic crossing the grass verge and causing damage.

Wind Farm

It is hoped to arrange a visit for villagers and members of the Parish Council to the Vattenfall wind farm site in Leicestershire on Saturday, 17th May (NB this date is provisional at this stage).  Details of the visit will, however, be circulated once they have been finalised.

Date of next meeting: Tuesday, 4th February 2014

Maybe this year, we ought to walk through the rooms of our lives not looking for flaws, but for potential.

Councillor MaryAnn Williams

A DRAFT Report for Speed Management
Councillor MaryAnn Williams

Lincolnshire has a real opportunity to reduce accidents, not by re inventing the wheel and asking amateurs in the community (each with their personal ideas) but by drawing on the findings and tested examples of the experts.

It is a fact that there is a direct link between reduced speed and reduced accidents.

Actual physical calming measures, both in the vertical and horizontal plane can be costly, noisy and there is the potential to damage vehicles (speed bumps).

Alternative psychological calming methods have proven effective and not costly.

See following excellent examples already in use:

Traffic in Villages.  Safety and Civility for rural roads.
Produced by Dorset AONB Partnership in conjunction with Hamilton-Baillie Associates.

Click on link:

Paper produced by TRL. 
If you click on the link, this will take you to our Online Store – Reports and Publications, and by inserting the search term “traffic calming” into the query box, this will bring a range of material related to the subject.

Some of the recommendations
  • Enclosing the distant view
  • Emphasising a change in the environment e.g. from country road to village entrance
  • Breaking up linearity and thereby introducing uncertainty
  • Ideas:
  • Remove white line down centre of road through villages
  • Erect fencing panels and  paint white or something similar to note entrance to built up area from countryside
  • Colour road through villages brown.
  • Allow some trees and hedges to grow freely, so giving the appearance of a narrowing of the road and introducing uncertainty.
  • Plant flowers in grass verges.
  • Narrow the road at 30mph  entrances of villages with substantial planters built into road.

1 comment:

  1. Hello
    To those people like myself very strongly opposed to the proposed wind farm on Nocton fen, here is a web page worth taking note of.
    It should work fine if you go to the top of your home page and type in the following:-
    Richard from Metheringham


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