Before the start of the ordinary monthly meeting, the Parish Council held its Annual General Meeting at which it appointed its Chair and Vice-chair and various sub-committees for the coming year and re-confirmed the various policy and procedural documents which govern the way in which it operates. It was unanimously agreed that Kate Tyler continue as Chair and Ian Goldsworthy as Vice-chair and that all other positions remain as before. It was also agreed that instead of monthly meetings the Parish Council would now meet every six weeks.
Just to remind you of who your representative is on specific issues:
- Nocton School, Staffing and Social and Youth - Kate Tyler
- Financial matters, Budget and Policy - Ian Goldsworthy
- Nocton Hall, Planning and Crime - Graham Jones
- Publicity and Promotion and the Environment - Jilly Burr
- Village Hall and Social Club - Neil Summers
- Nocton Park - Neil Faulkner
- Traffic, Highways and Arts NK - MaryAnn Williams
There were several positive reports to the May meeting:
Village Hall
A Project Team to oversee the proposed refurbishment of the Village Hall has now been appointed with representatives from the Parish Council (Kate Tyler and Jilly Burr), the Social Club (Jo Summers) and the Village Hall Management Committee (Clodagh West). Bob Webster will advise the Team on the various structural and building issues as it prepares a design brief for the architect who has been secured through the organisation ProHelp. If you have not already given your thoughts on the refurbishment and what you, or your organisation, would like to see in a new Hall, then please contact the Parish Clerk or one of the members of the Project Team.
Youth Club
The long awaited Youth Club is, hopefully, now nearing a launch date and we are hopeful of appointing its leaders shortly. The costs of the Club are initially being met from the 200 Club Community Fund.
Nocton Tennis Courts
The trees that have invaded the courts’ perimeter fence have been chopped back and treated. Once they have died back then the new fence and surface will be installed. If good use is made of the refurbished courts then further expansion to provide a small club house and facilities will be explored. So, everyone, look out your rackets and balls!
Nocton Playground
Additional funding for the expansion of the playground is being considered by the Nocton Park Management Committee. Meanwhile, the Parish Council has agreed in principle to fund additional equipment for the playground from the 200 Club monies.
The Speed Indicator has provided some interesting information on the speed and frequency of traffic through our village. Once fully collated and analysed, this information (both from Nocton and the other villages in our group) will be forwarded to the Road Safety Partnership to help us in our aim of pressing for some kind of traffic calming measure.
Neighbourhood Plan
Approval has now been received from NKDC to the preparation of a Neighbourhood Plan covering the parishes of Nocton and Potterhanworth. This Plan will be crucial to ensuring that any housing and other development proposed for either of our villages only takes place where we, the community, wants it to, is consistent with the limited local infrastructure and is in keeping with the rural nature of our area. Many of the recommendations contained in our own Parish Plan, which is now one year old, have already been implemented and this document will be helpful in the production of the Neighbourhood Plan.
Proposed Wind Farm
No planning application has yet been made by Vattenfall for a major wind farm on Nocton Fen. However, the company has already held a number of “consultation” forums on its proposal and a further session is to be held on Friday, 20th June from 2.00 p.m. until 8.00 p.m. in the Village Hall. In addition, a group of interested Parish Councillors and residents have now made a visit to a wind farm in Lutterworth, Leicestershire to see at first hand such a farm in operation. A report on the visit can be found on the Nocton Blog.
“Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress and working together is success.”
DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, 17th June 2014 and thereafter every SIX weeks.
Councillor MaryAnn Williams
from tony w - I am absolutely delighted to see all the positive action taking place. You appear to have a great bunch of councillors interested in THEIR village. Wish the same could be the same elsewhere. Must be the enthusiasm generated from the LALC AGM at Horncastle a couple of years ago. Well done everyone