Monday, 26 May 2014

Wind Farm

Latest news in the Press

True scale of wind industry revealed as number of turbines reaches 30,000

'Spread of small-scale wind turbines popular with farmers takes total number to 30,000, analysis shows'

Dirty tricks, greed and a ruined idyll that proves the wind turbine plague ISN'T over after all

'By Christmas, a great swathe of this ancient and enchanting border country, including the Holy Island of Lindisfarne, will be overshadowed by the Barmoor Wind Farm — six wind turbines, each 360ft tall and with a blade span the size of a Boeing 747.'

Wind farm green light will generate £4m local bonus

'PLANS for a new wind farm, which could produce enough electricity to power nearly 50,000 homes, have been given the green light.'

Cameron's wind policy - designed by Machiavelli?

'David Cameron has promised to suspend incentives for onshore wind farms if he is re-elected in 2015, writes Alan Whitehead. But how exactly will he replace the 8GW of planned wind capacity that will not be built?'

Russia's gas king taunts crumbling Europe over China pipeline coup

'Gazprom's chairman has describing Europe's energy shortage as "scary" and ridiculed the EU's push for wind and solar power as a shambles'

Sharp rise in percentage of onshore windfarms being rejected

'Figures show that the percentage of rejections in the UK jumped from 25-29% in 2009-12 to 41% in 2013'

Pickles overrules inspector to block wind farm plans

'Communities secretary Eric Pickles has blocked plans for a wind farm near a historic stately home in Yorkshire, disagreeing with the recommendation of an inspector, who he said had placed too much weight on the benefits of the proposals and not enough weight on the harm that would be caused.'

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