Central Lincolnshire Local Plan Preliminary Draft - October 2014
A full copy can be downloaded from here.
I have highlighted certain policies that I believe will have the most likelihood of impacting on our village. However, if you read the full Preliminary Draft above, you may well identify others too. You will also have the opportunity to comment on this Draft Plan - see links at the bottom of this blog entry.
Policy LP 2
Small Villages
In these settlements development will be considered on its merits but will normally be of a very limited nature and normally be limited in scale to residential infilling on small sites or a small business opportunity. Proposals for 3 dwellings/0.1ha are anticipated to be the maximum acceptable for these settlements, often it will be limited to single dwelling infill sites situated within an otherwise built-up frontage. Proposals on the edges of these settlements are unlikely to be approved unless there are overriding reasons in the public interest for such proposals to be supported or that they come forward via a Neighbourhood Plan.
Development elsewhere (i.e. in an area not falling into one of the above categories), will be restricted to that which is demonstrably essential to the effective operation of local agriculture, horticulture, forestry, outdoor recreation, transport or utility services; and to minerals or waste development in accordance with separate Minerals and Waste Local Development Documents (LDDs). Any such development will be subject to a restrictive occupancy condition.
Policy LP 17
Stand-alone Renewable Energy Proposals
Proposals for stand-alone, non-wider development linked, renewable energy schemes (i.e. proposals which provide energy to the electricity network rather than directly to a nearby home or business) will be approved if their impacts are (or can be made) acceptable. As such, it is expected that proposals will:
a. Not result in unacceptably adverse impacts (individual or cumulatively) upon the landscape (see Policy LP15 Our Landscape) and townscape (see in particular Policy LP21: Design Principles);
b. Be safe, including (i) appropriate falling distance to buildings and highways (if relevant to the proposal), (ii) no other adverse highway impact, and (iii) good access, especially at construction stage;
c. Not result in unacceptably adverse impacts on any heritage or natural asset;
d. Not result in unacceptable impacts on residential and visual amenity (including, if a proposal is considered acceptable in principle in a broad location, meeting all of the principles set out in Appendix F, where applicable);
e. Not result in unacceptable noise impact (based on the applicable current legislation) and shadow flicker;
f. Have no unacceptable impact on the operation of aircraft movement and operational radar; and
g. Where significant loss of agricultural land is proposed, avoid the best and most versatile agricultural land where possible, in accordance with other relevant policies.
Policy LP 20
The Historic Environment
Development proposals will aim to protect, conserve and, wherever possible, seek opportunities to enhance the historic environment of Central Lincolnshire recognising its own intrinsic value and its contribution to Central Lincolnshire’s quality of life.
All development proposals that would affect any designated or undesignated heritage asset or their setting will be required to:
a. explain and demonstrate an understanding of the heritage asset’s history, character, architectural style, past development and any archaeology, to establish its significance; and
b. identify the impact of works on the special character of the asset; and
c. provide clear justification for any harm or loss.
Any development proposal that would be harmful to, or lead to the total loss of, the significance of a heritage asset or its setting will be refused permission, unless the tests set out in section 12 of the NPPF are met.
Where permission is granted, appropriate conditions and/or a section 106 agreement may be negotiated to ensure that all heritage assets are appropriately managed and conserved.
Policy LP 39
More detail on residential development in 'Small Villages'
Appendix F
Detail relating to Wind Turbine Proposals
Consultation on the Preliminary Draft Local Plan: 1 October - 11 November 2014
Consultation events are being held at the following locations and times:
- Washingborough Community Centre – 1 October, 4-7pm
- North Hykeham Town Council -16 October, 4-7pm
- The Source, Sleaford – 23 October, 4-7pm
- The Venue, Navenby – 29 October, 4-7pm
- Committee Rooms 1 and 2, City of Lincoln Council, City Hall - 15 October, 3-7pm
- Sudbooke Village Hall – 8 October, 4-7pm
- Caistor Town Hall (large room) 9 October, 4-7pm
- The Hub, Market Rasen – 13 October, 4-7pm
- Guildhall, Gainsborough (council chamber) – 23 October, 4-7pm
- Sturton by Stow Village Hall – 29 October, 4-7pm
Consultation Portal for Central Lincolnshire Local Plan 2011-2036
Click on this link to enter your comments on the Draft Plan.
How many more can our rescue boat take?
'... if we allow too many more houses, encouraging thousands more people to move in from elsewhere, we will struggle to make our services stretch further and we would clog up with traffic in some places.'
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