Planning Application: 14/0986/OUT
Following the Parish Council meeting of 21 October, I have been given permission to publish the following correspondence between the Parish Council and North Kesteven District Council:
From: Ian Goldsworthy
Sent: Monday, October 20, 2014 8:59 PM
To: Andrew McDonough
Cc: Kate Tyler ; Nocton Parish Council ; John Money ; Rob Kendrick
Subject: Planning Application 14/0986/OUT - Provison of Affordable Housing on Land at Wellhead Lane, Nocton
Dear Andrew,
Would it be possible, please, to let me have a brief update on the status of this application so that I may let my colleagues know at tomorrow’s Parish Council meeting.
It would appear from the online Planning Portal that amended plans may have been submitted but neither I nor anyone else, it seems, have been able to access the document – continuously receiving a “server problem” message.
As you may be aware, there is a strong level of local opposition to this development as originally proposed and it would be helpful to know the current position.
Many thanks.
Kind regards
Ian Goldsworthy
Vice-chair – Nocton Parish Council
From: Mark Williets
Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2014 10:20 AM
To: Ian Goldsworthy
Cc: Clare Gray
Subject: Planning Application 14/0986/OUT - Provison of Affordable Housing on Land at Wellhead Lane, Nocton
Dear Mr Goldsworthy,
Andrew forwarded me your message. Firstly, I apologise for the problems you have had using Planning Online. We do, I regret to say, like many users of the IT package have some bugs in the system which are being addressed.
To ensure that the amended plans you wish to see are viewable, there is a fix we can carry out locally such that the documents you want will be online later today. For your convenience I have asked that you are informed by email of when they will be available.
Again apologies for the problem you have experienced.
Mark Williets
Development Manager
North Kesteven District Council
T: 01529 414155 ext 28296
From: Ian Goldsworthy
Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2014 11:01 AM
To: Mark Williets
Cc: Clare Gray ; Andrew McDonough ; Kate Tyler ; Graham Jones ; MaryAnn (Parish Council) ; Neil Faulkner ; Neil Summers
Subject: Re: Planning Application 14/0986/OUT - Provison of Affordable Housing on Land at Wellhead Lane, Nocton
Dear Mark,
Thank you for your email.
However, in the event that the “fix” does not work and I am not able to access the amended plan (or am out when your colleague’s email arrives) could you please let me know the position regarding this application i.e. what is the main change from the original application and, perhaps more importantly, if it is a material or significant change will the Parish Council (and others) be given an opportunity to make further comments? Obviously, this latter question will not be addressed by being able to view the amended plans. As I have explained to Andy McDonough, there is a significant level of local opposition to the scheme as originally proposed by the applicant and the community needs to be clear as to what is now being proposed. As NKDC have categorised this as a major development the Parish Council are most concerned that the applicant has not sought fit to consult with the village prior to submission of the original application or the amended plan and we are, therefore, very much in the dark as to what is being planned for this part of our village.
Also, can you please let me know when the (new?) application will be considered.
I appreciate that this is short notice given that the Parish Council meets this evening but any information you can provide before then would be most helpful.
I have copied this email to my colleagues on the Parish Council.
Kind regards
Ian Goldsworthy
Vice-chair – Nocton Parish Council
From: Mark Williets
Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2014 12:42 PM
To: 'Ian Goldsworthy'
Cc: Clare Gray ; Andrew McDonough ; Kate Tyler ; Graham Jones ; MaryAnn (Parish Council) ; Neil Faulkner ; Neil Summers ; Steve Watson
Subject: RE: Planning Application 14/0986/OUT - Provison of Affordable Housing on Land at Wellhead Lane, Nocton
Dear Ian,
Thank you for your further queries. I am told the fix is in place and the files for the application are viewable via Planning Online. If you experience any difficulty, please let either myself or Clare Gray know.
The amendments are relatively modest. The application seeks outline permission with all matters reserved so whilst a cul-de-sac is shown and the proposed dwellings arranged around it, the determination rests on whether the site, in principle, is suitable for housing and meets the requirements of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and the provisions of the Local Plan. You may be aware that without a 5 year housing land supply this means the NPPF is the document that carries more weight and seeks to promote housing where the presumption in favour of sustainable development is met.
As such, we are not considering the specifics of the layout and house types submitted.
The revisions to the indicative layout pick up comments of the Council’s Tree Officer about the potential for impact on trees and the applicant has chosen to submit a plan which shows areas of block paving and the access road being amended to increase the separation from the trees.
As set out, the determination rests on a matter of principle, is this an appropriate site for residential development, and the amendments do not fundamentally change how we will assess such an application meaning there is no requirement for a re-consultation. Nonetheless the application remains in the public domain and if the Parish Council and/or residents wish to update or revise their earlier comments we are obliged to consider them. As it stands, the application will be presented no earlier than the meeting of the Committee on 25 November and we will advise interested parties beforehand setting out the opportunity for public speaking at committee. If you drop me a line in about 2 weeks time, I should have a better idea of the scheduling for this meeting as, given the current workloads we are experiencing, we are having to manage our agendas carefully.
I appreciate that this is categorised as a major application and there are provisions in the Localism Act that allow directions to be given requiring public consultations on major planning applications. The Coalition Government have not given directions relating to housing developments so an applicant is at liberty to choose how or if they consult local residents.
I hope these comments are helpful ahead of your meeting tonight.
Yours sincerely
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