The New Year welcomed in our new Parish Councillor, Jane Kania, and a good number of interested residents.
Apologies were received from the Chair (Councillor Tyler), District Councillors Money and Kendrick, and County Councillor Marianne Overton.
Public Questions
A resident asked if action could be taken to deal with the problems caused by
(a) overgrown hedges obstructing footpaths (particularly that on Main street opposite the beck); and
(b) cars parked on the verges fronting properties at Nocton Rise which can inhibit the view of vehicles pulling out onto the B1188 from Wellhead Lane.
It is intended to put these issues, together with other concerns including the poor marking of the B1202 and B1188 junction and Nocton sign postings, to the County Council’s Highways Officer, Alan Brown, on his next visit to the village which is to be arranged shortly.
Police Report
A horse had its tail marked at Wasps Nest which is sometimes done to identify it to thieves at a later stage. To date, however, nothing has happened.
Following a comment by Councillor Jones, the Police representative said that he would ask his CID colleagues why it seems that trivial incidents (e.g. damage to plant pots) are reported through the Neighbourhood Watch Scheme, but the more important case involving a possible abduction of a child in Nocton in early December had not, despite it being reported on the local news.
Dog Attacks
Following a couple of recent incidents, residents were asked to note that should a dog attack a person then it is a reportable incident, but if a dog attacks another dog, then it is a civil matter.
Nocton Village Hall Refurbishment Report
Councillor Williams reported that to date Option 3, involving major changes to the existing internal layout of the Hall, was favoured by those residents who had given their opinion. The next stage is to submit a planning application to NKDC before the hard work of obtaining grants and appointing a builder could begin. It is intended to display details of the “final” scheme at the next Parish Council Meeting in February so that any further comments from residents can be considered before the scheme is submitted for planning approval.
Nocton Youth Club
As reported at the last meeting, the Club is continuing to prove very popular with our younger teenagers. It is hoped to build on this success over the coming year and to develop activities, etc for our older teenagers.
Neighbourhood Plan
Unfortunately this has been slow to take off and funding to support us in preparing the Plan with colleagues in Potterhanworth is no longer available at the present time. Since the development of such plans needs to be community led it will be necessary to bring together a small group of interested residents (as was the case with the preparation of our Parish Plan by the efforts of CLAN) to take this vital work forward. More details will be available at the Parish Council on 24th February so if you are interested in getting involved in shaping the future of our village, please contact the Clerk and come along to the meeting.
Vattenfall Wind Power Ltd Update
Councillors Jones and Goldsworthy, together with a number of other interested representatives from surrounding villages, had attended a Community Investment Workshop led by Vattenfall. Councillor Jones felt that considering ways in which any monies coming to communities from the development very much seemed to be putting “the cart before the horse” as Vattenfall had yet to submit a formal planning application and that, furthermore, even if the scheme did go ahead, no monies would become available until at least 2021! Further information from Vattenfall on the proposed Wind Farm is to be made available in the lobby of the Village Hall.
Newspaper Deliveries
Although technically not a Parish Council responsibility, it was felt that the recent ending of the regular paper delivery service in the village would be a significant loss to local residents. After consultation with the newsagent concerned, it was hoped to arrange for residents wishing to continue to receive a daily paper to have this delivered to a ‘drop box’ outside the village hall where it can then be collected by the person concerned. This service is scheduled to commence on Monday 3 February and anyone interested in taking part is asked to email Councillor Ian Goldsworthy by no later than 28th January (see notice in the Post Office for further details).
Councillors’ Reports
- Concerns have been raised by Nocton Park residents over possible asbestos contamination from the old hospital site. It is now some 10 years since an inspection was done. The Parish Council will follow this up with NKDC.
- SID is to stay in Nocton through January and the 30mph speed aware signs have been erected in various locations throughout the village.
- The “Welcome Pack” has been well received.
- The newly formed Gardening Club is to be asked if it wishes to take on responsibility for the Best Kept Village project.
It is with pleasure that I can report we have now co-opted Elizabeth (Liz) Murray to the vacancy on the Parish Council following the resignation of Neil Summers.
Dates of Next Meetings
- Tuesday, 3rd February, 2014 (7.00 p.m.) – Special Meeting to agree the budget for 2015/15 and the Village Precept
- Tuesday 24 February (7.00 p.m.) – Ordinary Meeting
"Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success."
Councillor MaryAnn Williams
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