Monday, 26 January 2015

Wind Farm - Hemswell Cliff

Protect Nocton Fen

I received the following email yesterday from the Protect Nocton Fen group

"Hello PNF contacts,

You may be aware of RWE's planning application for their (revised) proposed wind farm scheme  of 8 x 125m high turbines at  Hemswell Cliff  close to the A15 north of Lincoln.

For further details of the site and application, see the VOCAT, web site at:

RWE's appeal against West Lindsey's planning refusal at Hemswell Cliff if successful, will have significant landscape and cumulative impacts over  a wide area not only across Lincolnshire's countryside north of Lincoln Cathedral, but to the south as well.

The Public Inquiry starts at 10.00 a.m. on Tuesday, 27th January to Friday 30 Jan & resumes Tues 3rd Feb - Friday 6th Feb at the Epic Centre, Lincolnshire Showground.

The time table may be subject to change depending on the time taken to hear each witness's evidence as the inquiry proceeds. The time table order is unlikely to change, unless there are any unforeseen circumstances.

Access to the inquiry venue will be posted from the main show ground gate show ground on the A15. Car parking is free but there will only be a daily pre-order lunch (sandwiches etc) provided, if you are intending to attend over a morning and afternoon session, I recommend you bring your own packed lunch. Drinks will be provided, but these may be charged.

There is a residents and interested party session scheduled Tues 3rd Feb during the afternoon and possibly evening, it is well worth attending this to hear local residents etc., making their views known (both for and against) to the inspector.

You will be able to enter and leave the inquiry at any time to fit in with your own existing commitments, but please so quietly during any live hearing session.

Members of the PNF committee intend to hear as much of the evidence as possible and will definitely attend the opening session on the 1st Tuesday, it is also a good opportunity for you to gain experience of inquiry procedure and hear the parties involved (RWE, West Lindsey's & VOCAT'S) evidence and responses, in preparation for the Nocton examination hearings etc.

If you do attend please let PNF know.


Melvin Grosvenor
PNF Committee."

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