Wednesday 4 February 2015

Planning Application - The Vicarage

Erection of dwelling (outline application)

I see from the North Kesteven District Council's Planning Online page that a further planning application has been submitted for:
  • The Vicarage, The Green, Nocton
If you wish to view the details,  the reference number is: 15/0011/OUT.

The applicant's first planning application (13/1447/HOUS) resulted in certain constraints being put in place. These related to the mature trees located in the vicarage garden, especially with regard to root protection, removal of topsoils and excavation or change of ground levels.

Extract from comments by the Tree Officer:

"The proposed widening of the drive and associated parking area with walls and garage are all likely to have significant impact on the rooting areas of T7 and T2 and to a lesser extent T8."

The Delegated Officer Report of Approval of 19 March 2014 stated:

"Original designs proposed the garage closer to the front boundary which raised numerous issues relating to the impact upon trees. Subsequently amended plans have been received and the location of the garage in amended plan SRS/1492TOV/01 mitigates against impacts to tree roots."

It seems the constraints were placed to ensure the retention of features which are important to the character and amenity of the surrounding area to accord with saved policy LW4 of the Local Plan.

I am wondering whether these constraints will similarly apply to any new build in this location too?

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for highlighting this application I enclose thoughts of an immediate neighbour to this application

    • As a resident living adjacent to the plot in question, which is part of a conversation area, I feel this would have an adverse effect of the character and appearance of the Conservation Area. The Green has listed buildings and a church of special interest which should be protected from a new build which will have an adverse impact on the look and feel of the Green with negative and adverse impacts on the view of both listed buildings and the church. (School House and Park Farm)

    • The application is a classic example of garden grabbing and the unnecessary infilling of a conservation area where listed buildings and new building have been carefully maintained and developed within in keeping. The erection of dwelling on this site is an unnecessary development of garden land in an inappropriate place which will have implications on neighbours in terms of privacy (overlooking adjoining property) and light , sight of property in relation to ruining the view and appearance of the conservation area and disproportionate size of plot for 3 / 4 bedroom dwelling. This would lead to the loss of existing views from neighbouring properties and adversely affect the residential amenity of neighbouring owners.

    • The development would adversely affect highway safety and the convenience of road users. Already North Kesteven Highways are investigating issues regarding parking outside The Vicarage and neighbouring houses due to traffic to and from the school. This is exacerbated by the lack of a turning point at the end of The Green. Another drive and car would reduce parking even further as well as meaning on average 2 cars been used daily in and out of access opposite the main school entrance. This entrance is already over capacity in the morning and afternoons with parents dropping children off and also in the day with staff parking on the road outside the school. This is also an issue for the safety of children at the school.


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