Thursday, 5 March 2015

Parish Council Report

Report of the Parish Council Meeting held on 24 February 2015

Nocton Village Hall
The proposed plans and some ‘mood’ board suggestions for internal and external décor were on display for residents to give final comments before we submit a planning application to NKDC.

A reasonable number of residents attended and all of the comments that were submitted at the meeting will be amalgamated with the previous ones and be subject to further consideration by the Project Team before the planning application is made.

Youth Club
Vicky Rowding, the Youth Leader, gave a progress report on the Youth Club.  The club night has now been moved to a Thursday which means that is now has use of the hall and kitchen.  Volunteers are helping out at the meetings, although it would be helpful if more came forward enabling the children to participate in even more activities.

Concerns had been raised about the Tuck Shop as it was thought too many sugary/salty items were on sale and although nice to have a ‘treat’, in light of all the recent information on diet it was felt that healthier options should be offered and encouraged.  Vicky will consult with parents to see how best to respond.

Kevin Clark (Gamekeeper at Wasps Nest) informed the meeting that the five barred wooden gate on the B1188 entrance to Beeswax had been stolen.  The Police had advised that there had been no other reported incidents in the last month.

Woodland Trust WW1 Tree Memorial Scheme
Requests from various members of the public and local groups have now been received and a list drawn up as to where the 30 trees were to be sited.  Delivery is expected in early March and John Kania is kindly donating the protective sleeves (we are still not sure how big these trees will be!)

Disappointingly, and despite every effort from the Parish Council and Nocton Park Management, we are no nearer getting fast broadband into Nocton, even though we now appear to be the only village in our area without it.  County Councillor Marianne Overton is to press Nocton’s case and recommended we also set up a petition to try to rectify Nocton’s apparent exclusion.  It will be sited in the Post Office shortly, so please do take a few minutes to pop in and put your name to it.

Nocton and Potterhanworth Neighbourhood Plan
Unfortunately there has been a change of Chair and Clerk at the Potterhanworth Parish Council, so to date there has not been much progress on this important issue.  It may, therefore, be that Nocton will need to submit its own Neighbourhood Plan in the interest of speed.  With the lack of any such plan in place we are very exposed at the moment to unscrupulous and unwanted development.  More information and how you can help will be at the Annual Parish Meeting on 28 April 2015 at 7pm.

Highway Issues
Councillor Williams reported on the recent visit by Alan Brown regarding several ongoing issues in the village.

The good news is that we are to get new signs at all the entrances to the village and once they are in place we can, if we wish, erect white fencing/gates (similar, for example, to those at Wellingore).
The nasty turn off the B1188 onto the B1202 is considered not dangerous enough to warrant a traffic island; however the white lines that mark the junction are very worn will be repainted.

Nothing official can be done to stop cars blocking the turning hammer at the end of the road by the Church.  Residents and people visiting the Church or School or just walking are, therefore, kindly requested to be sympathetic to other road users and pedestrians in that whole area - especially at school drop off and collection times.

Pot holes.  If you see a pothole, please call or email the County Council’s Highways Department directly; it will be dealt with far quicker this way.  Call 01522 782070 or go on the LCC website and report under Traffic and Roads.

Nocton Hall
The recent power cuts in the village are due to the power lines in the walled garden area of the Hall being compromised.  They have been neglected for some considerable time and some have now become unsafe.  Western Power is to address this with LEDA properties.

County Councillor Marianne Overton
Councillor Overton reported on the increase in the budgets at both county and district level that will impact on our Council Tax, although both were below the 2% threshold that would necessitate a referendum.

Councillor Overton also reported that NKDC had some £10 million in reserves which was equivalent to a whole year’s expenditure.  Having been under the impression that NKDC was ‘strapped for cash’ the Parish Council is now going to ask why Nocton Hall was not compulsory purchased some years ago and so take the property and grounds out of the hands of LEDA.

Other Items
Applications for Community funding from the 200 Club were received from the Gardening Club to assist in bringing in a noted speaker and also a bench and rubbish bin for the play area at Nocton Park.  Both were agreed.

We agreed to appoint Mike Kaye, a resident of Wellhead Lane, as a co-opted member on the Parish Council.
  • Date of next Parish Council Meeting: Tuesday 7 April at 7.00 pm
  • Date of Annual Parish Meeting: Tuesday 28 April at 7.00 pm

“The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.”
Councillor MaryAnn Williams

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