Report from meeting - Tuesday 7th April
A brief summary of the main issues discussed at the Parish Council Meeting held on 7th April 2015
The Police reported that investigations into two recent burglaries in the village were continuing. Residents were again reminded to be vigilant and to ensure that all windows and doors were secured and shut properly before leaving their property – no matter for how short a period.
Nocton Primary School
Mark Cunningham, Chair of Governors, reported that Andy Canadine, the Headteacher, had recently gained a promotion and would be leaving the school at the end of the Summer Term. The Governing Body was currently looking at a range of options for securing his replacement.
Nocton Hall
It was agreed to write to LEDA Properties asking for an update on their development proposals for the Hall as nothing further had been heard from them since last November. The Parish Council would also be following up with NKDC the concerns of residents at Nocton Park regarding the potential for the release of asbestos from the site of the former hospital and asking that a proper investigation be carried out to determine the extent of any problem.
Nocton Village Hall
Following advice from Community Lincs, it was agreed to carry out a more comprehensive consultation on the provision of a new Village Hall by sending questionnaires to all residents and user groups. The results would help inform its design and the nature of the facilities to be provided. Please look out for your questionnaire and make sure you let the Parish Council have your views. Everyone returning a questionnaire will be entered into a prize draw (to be drawn at the Picnic on the Green on 31st May) with the winner receiving a £50 High Street voucher.
Nocton and Potterhanworth Neighbourhood Plan
Further constructive discussions have been taking place with colleagues at Potterhanworth and it was now hoped to be able to continue with the provision of a joint Neighbourhood Plan covering our two villages. In order to be able to properly prepare for the launch of the Plan, the Annual Parish Meeting will now be held on 19th May in the Village Hall starting at 7.00 p.m. It is hoped that as many residents as possible will be able to attend to begin the important process of deciding where and how future housing and other developments, etc should take place in our area. Please watch out for further details.
Naming of Street and Properties in Nocton
The Parish Council is to seek clarification from NKDC as to its policies for the naming/renaming of roads and properties in the village since it appeared that it was no longer being consulted – leading to some confusion in the names that were being chosen.
Nocton Cricket Club
It was agreed to provide a grant from the 200 Club to the Cricket Club to enable it to purchase some much-needed practice nets.
Obstruction to Pavements and Paths
The Parish Council is again asking for the co-operation of owners of properties (particularly along parts of Main Street and Potterhanworth Road) to ensure that boundary hedges do not grow over onto adjacent footpaths and pavements thus causing an obstruction to pedestrians, people in wheelchairs, mums with pushchairs, etc. The Highways Authority is to be asked to take action should there not be an improvement in the situation.
Village “Newsletter”
The Parish Council was delighted to note that the editor of The Doodle was intending to continue with the production of the magazine, albeit in an electronic format only. However, for those residents who liked to receive information relating to the Parish Council, etc in hard copy it was agreed to investigate the possibility of including relevant articles, etc in the Sheepwash Times and for its distribution to be extended to Nocton.
Superfast Broadband
The Chair reported that some 63 residents from 57 different properties (about 20% of the total number) had signed the petition for bringing superfast broadband to Nocton. This would now be forwarded to Councillor Marianne Overton for her to pursue with the County Council and BT. Watch this space!
Youth Club
It was with some regret that the Parish Council noted that Vicky Rowding, our Youth Club Leader, had given notice that she was to leave at the end of this term to begin a university course. We are, therefore, urgently looking at ways to ensure that our very successful Youth Club is able to continue and grow. The Club is still in need of more volunteer helpers so if you are able to help out, even if only once every few weeks, then please contact Vicky or Councillor Jane Kania.
Date of next Parish Council Meeting (to include the Annual General Meeting): Tuesday 12 May 2015 at 7.00 pm
Date of Annual Parish Meeting: Tuesday 19 April 2015 at 7.00 pm
Councillor Ian Goldsworthy
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