Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Parish Council Report - June 2015

Report of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday, 16 June 2015

As a result of holiday commitments, a rather depleted Parish Council met on Tuesday; however numbers were swelled with a small but informed group of interested residents.

Public Questions

Questions had been received prior to the meeting about the recent ‘plantings’ in the village, both in respect of the boxes at the entrances to the village and the commemorative World War 1 trees.  The Parish Council’s written responses are available on the website.

Police Report

An isolated incident of a car window being smashed and some items removed from it on Nocton Fen was the only reported crime.

The PCSO then took questions from the public relating to:
  • Nocton Hall - There was increasing activity during the late evenings and at night at the Hall, with cars once more trying to access the ruin from The Avenue.  If residents are able to get a registration number and/or car descriptions it may help the police track down the perpetrators.
  • Parking on Main Street - Vehicles are parking opposite each other and on the pavement, both of which are offences.  The bus stops in Main Street (on entering the village from the B1188 are now quite often obscured and there was an instance recently of someone actually not being picked up because the driver simply did not see them.  Residents (especially in that area) are urged not to park in such a way which causes an obstruction or inconvenience to other road users or pedestrians.  We will be writing to all residents in that stretch of the road drawing attention to the problem and asking for their co-operation in parking more considerately.  The police are also being asked to pay attention to the area.
Nocton School

The Head Teacher, Andy Canadine, has resigned to take up a headship elsewhere and will not be replaced.  Graham Boyle is to become the ‘’Executive Head’ of Digby, Dunston and Nocton.  An Open Meeting is planned (date TBC) and all will be welcome to attend and hear how this change will be implemented and to ask questions.
A question from the public regarding unauthorised use of the ‘school’ field (opposite the village hall) was raised and the school representative will investigate.

District Councillor Rob Kendrick

North Hykeham swimming pool is undergoing some phased improvements since the one at Sleaford has seen a much larger attendances since it was upgraded.
Sustain NK is asking if you have an idea to improve ‘impact on the environment’.  Would up to £500 and the support of the Sustainability Team help get your plan started?  Send a summary of your project (max 200 words including where it will be implemented and how it will benefit the environment) details to sustainnk@n-kesteven.gov.uk. Deadline for entries is 30th June.

Nocton Hall

Councillors Goldsworthy, Jones and Murray attended a meeting with LEDA (Nick Hardcastle) and three of their planning consultants on 21 May.  Two NKDC officers were also in attendance.
After close and prolonged questioning of LEDA about the proposed project, it became apparent that they were considering the construction of some 300+ houses on the former hospital site.  However, it was apparent that their planning consultants had not taken account of the outcome of the previously agreed “Options Appraisal” which provided for enabling development only.  They also seemed unaware of a range of issues relating to the site itself – indeed, it transpired that they had not even visited it!  It was agreed that the consultants would work up revised proposals based on the discussions which had taken place and to have further discussions with NKDC and Parish Council representatives in September (now confirmed for the 8th).  They also promised to let the Parish Council have a “press release” which would contain details of their current thinking and proposed way forward for the site but as at the time of writing, this has not been received.

Although the Parish Council and residents must not be complacent, it does not seem that there is anything concrete in place yet nor even on the drawing board.

Neighbourhood Plan

Despite several attempts, the Chair had not yet been able to arrange a further meeting with our partners from Potterhanworth on this project.  However, the importance of having this Plan in place soon was stressed, especially as it is something hungry developers are not keen on!  To fully represent all areas of the village a resident from both the Nocton “Top” and the Wasps Nest area is sought and, of course, any one else who feels they can be of help in preparing the Plan.  (We already have someone from Nocton Park and the Conservation Area).  Please contact the Clerk or Councillor Murray for more details.
Nocton Village Hall Refurbishment Project Team

There was no meeting this month but Councillor Williams reported that Paul Clarke had finally made contact and Bob Webster is to draw up the parts of the proposal that need his agreement so we can move this project on.
Parklands Avenue

A request for the Parish Council to bring about the formal adoption of Parklands Avenue had been received.  However, this is not really something that we can help with as it is the responsibility of the residents to speak to Persimmon Homes who are the owners of the road.  We will, however, raise the matter with the Highways Authority should they accept our invitation to attend our next meeting.
Wind Turbines

Local Parish Councillors have been invited to attend a meeting at Welbourn on 23 June being organised by County Councillor Overton about the implications of the increasing number of wind turbine applications being received for our area.  At least two of our councillors will be attending.
Now the formal consultation process being undertaken by Vattenfall in respect of its own proposals for Nocton Fen was nearing its conclusion, we will consider at our next meeting how best the Parish Council can ascertain the views of residents to ensure our response to the proposed development can properly reflect those we represent.  Various ways of doing this were considered, including public meetings and the possibility of a Parish Poll.  A more detailed discussion on this process (rather than, at this stage, the “pros and cons” of the development) will, therefore, take place at our meeting on 14th July.

Date of next meeting Tuesday 14 July 2015 at 7pm.
“If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself.”

Councillor MaryAnn Williams

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