Thursday, 17 September 2015

Report of Parish Council Meeting

Report of Nocton Parish Council Meeting held on 7th September 2015

Police Report
Two incidents were reported: an attempted break in at Bottom Lodge and suspected damage to a car in Wellhead Lane.

Dog Warden
Michael Cummins submitted his last report as his duties are now to be incorporated into the Village Keeper’s (Colin Smith) responsibilities. The Parish Council thanked Mr Cummins for his service to the community over the past few years.

Several different suggestions for 30mph and village signage have been received and are at widely varying costs to the Parish Council. The placement of white fencing at the entrances is one of the favoured suggestions and Councillor Williams will investigate this further. A suggestion to move the 30mph signs closer to the first houses in the streets was made, but as pedestrians are often along these roads it was agreed to leave them where they were.

Neighbourhood Plan
The Steering Group has prepared a questionnaire which will shortly be delivered to every household in order to obtain residents’ views as the first stage in preparing the Plan. The threat of indiscriminate further development within the village is seen as the major threat and so the Parish Council and the two community groups involved are doing everything possible to ensure that this Plan is adopted as soon as is feasibly possible.

Central Lincolnshire Plan
County Councillor Marianne Overton gave a short report on the very lengthy draft Local Plan. The good news is that should it be adopted, the required 10% development in small to medium sized villages has already been met by Nocton. So there is no requirement to have any more housing in our village at present. However, further development might be required in order to deal with the problems at Nocton Hall and this will be considered as part of the Neighbourhood Planning process. An open evening to present the proposed Local Plan will be held shortly when CC Overton will endeavour to outline the major points for consideration. Date to be advised.

Planning Applications
Wellhead Lane: outline permission for a residential development was resubmitted for 7 not 8 houses. However all the previous points against this development still stand, therefore your Parish Council reaffirmed its previous objections.
Nocton Hall
Councillors Goldsworthy, Jones and Murray attended a meeting with LEDA properties at NKDC recently and it appears LEDA has employed planning consultants to draw up another plan for the hospital site. It is hoped to have this presented by LEDA and their consultants at the November Parish Council Meeting.

BroadBand/Mobile Signal Strength
We have had no new news on the broadband issue. However if you were wondering why your mobile signal was so poor, it was because a local aerial was faulty. It has since been repaired and upgraded so that those that can use now it have 4G!!

Youth Club
Councillor Kania reported that our Youth Club has re started after the summer break and the new youth leader Sara is in place together with a regular male helper. The ‘school field’ opposite the village hall is now available to use on fine evenings.

Picnic on the Green 2016
As a countrywide celebration of the Queens 90th birthday is being held on Sunday 12 June 2016, the Picnic on the Green will also be held on that date and include a 'street party'. Permission to use the Village Green for this purpose was granted.

Date of next Meeting: Tuesday 13 October at 7pm

Autumn's the mellow time... I hope so!

Councillor MaryAnn Williams

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