Wednesday, 23 December 2015

All Saints Church - cleaning rota

New Year 2016

This message is from Ruth Eagle:

"Thank you very much for offering to go on the church cleaning rota. It has again worked like clockwork! The church needs to be cleaned before each church service. There are usually two services a month and you can check when these are by looking on the church blog. If there are any other services/events planned, I will let you know. The cleaning usually takes two people about an hour and a half.

If you are unable to do the cleaning for part or all of the month, please contact someone on the list and arrange a swop. You don't need to contact me about this.

There will be a cleaning rota key which you will need to pass on to the next cleaning couple. There is a cleaning cupboard in the church with brushes, dusters etc. that you may need. Please wash and return all appropriate cloths, dusters and the toilet towel within your month. It might be a good idea if we all washed them in the middle of our month so that we have time to return them before the end of our month. Please let me know if you feel something is missing.

The tall wooden cleaning cupboard is located near the vestry. Cleaning instructions will be pinned inside on a laminated list. All cleaning materials are stored in a locked cupboard in the toilet. The church lights are located in a wooden box on the wall near the south door.

Please would you sign the visitors book to say the church is open each time you clean. Please write the date and time the church was open. If any visitors come please encourage them to sign the book as well. There is a 'Church Open' sign located at the back of the church behind the screen. It would be very much appreciated if you could attach this to the 'Give Way' sign at the start of School Lane whilst you are cleaning, remembering to return it at the end!

We received a sizeable English Heritage grant for the church restoration and we need to show that we have the church open for as many hours as possible.

Date for your diary
Church Spring Clean Day: Saturday March 19th [10.00am - 12.30pm & 2.00pm - 4.00pm (times subject to change)]

Please let me know if something is not clear and I will try to clarify. Thank you and welcome to three new cleaners!"

Church Cleaning Rota

January - Maria Hall & Julie Partridge
February - Michaela Hall & Glynis Scrafton
March - Janet & Ian Goldsworthy
April - Babs & Tim Thompson
May - Jane & John Kania
June - Gill & David Rumbelow
July - Sue & John Sides
August - Anne Hardy & Ellen Carty
September - Ann & Graham Jones
October - Linda Carpenter-Coxon & Leslie Stoneham
November - Ann Kennedy & Doreen Green
December - Jim & Ruth Eagle

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