Sunday, 10 January 2016

Marianne Overton MBE

January Newsletter

From: CllrM Overton
Sent: 08 January 2016 19:02
To: Friends and Colleagues,

Subject: Local Plan and January News from Marianne

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

I hope you had a peaceful Christmas and I wish you a very happy and successful 2016.

Thank you very much indeed for your kind support over the past year and I look forward to working with you in the coming year. I look forward to catching up with you at lots our of excellent local events as well.


Thank you to the many people who responded to the further draft Central Lincolnshire Local Plan, the blueprint for all applications until 2036. It sets out a plan to provide for around 70,000 new people moving into Central Lincolnshire, a number that I believe is too high.

My full response is attached. Please check your response is properly listed by searching on your name. 820 people and organisations together made close on 3,000 responses.

The agenda for the next meeting in public on the 18th January at the Lincolnshire County Council is here.

Gypsy and traveller sites will be under discussion. The report on the comments and the revised draft is not coming into the public domain until the following meeting on Monday 14th March.


Attached is our January Newsletter.

Three areas where you may want to respond:
  • Proposed closure of the Leadenham and Whisby amenity sites where we take our rubbish. Poster attached for public meeting on January 14th at the Navenby Venue 7pm.
  • The budget overall, consultations in the County News, on line and at a meeting at NKDC on the 13th January 6-8pm. Please let me know too, so I can better support your views.
  • Boundary Commission proposes to split the Cliff Villages.
More on the website with a blog, twitter and facebook!

Many thanks indeed, Kindest Regards,


Councillor Marianne Overton MBE
Independent Councillor for Branston and Navenby on Lincolnshire County Council
and for the Cliff Villages on North Kesteven District Council
Leader of the Lincolnshire Independents
Vice Chairman of the Local Government Association


  1. Re Broadband January Newsletter

    This is the second occasion I have questioned FTTC broadband speeds and I am curious as to how this information is obtained.

    To say "Up to nearly 4km we should get full speed dropping to around the contract level of 24mbps after a few kms" may well be incorrect.

    Typical BT graphs show:

    Customers very close to the cabinet can expect 80mbps
    Customers 1.5km from the cabinet can expect 25mbps
    Customers 3km and beyond the cabinet will not be connected.

    I may be wrong but full speed at 4kms - mmm


    Mick Middleton

  2. Thanks Mick. BT probably want to put the best spin on the possible attainable speeds from fibre in order to maximise sales. It is only when the poor consumer pays out for the 'improved' service, that they realise it doesn't come up to expectation. It is only then these type of excuses/reasons come forward from the provider to explain why the service is little better than what the consumer was paying for beforehand. I suppose this is a very pessimistic view, but I just wish that organisations would be up front about such limitations of their service - and when a consumer makes an enquiry, the reply is tailored to the particular address the service is likely to be supplied to, rather than the whole postcode area in which it is situated. Best regards.


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