Sunday, 14 February 2016

Parish Council - 'excessive' tax

Nocton Parish Council

If you examine the pre-meeting papers below, you will notice our Parish Council proposed an increase of 15.21% in the budget for 2016/17.

This extract is from Para 10 of the Precept Report:

"The effect of this budget on a Nocton Council Tax payer (Band “D” equivalent) would be an increase of £7.53 in the annual sum paid to fund the Parish Council from £49.52 in 2015/16 to £57.05 in 2016/17 – an increase of 15.21%.  Although in percentage terms, this seems high, because the overall budget figures are low, the actual effect would be to increase the monthly payment for a Band “D” Council Tax payer by just under 63p."

At the meeting on Tuesday 9th February, Parish Councillors voted through the increase of 15.21% (please see the Report published on this blog yesterday).

The Government is now threatening to interfere with local democracy in action, despite all their promises of 'localism'. Whilst the percentage may seem quite high, in real monetary terms the increase for this Parish Council is relatively small and the last thing local communities require is excessive bureaucracy!

Parish councils may face referendum cap over 'excessive' tax

Parish councils wanting to raise council tax "excessively" may have to first consult the public in line with larger authorities, the government has warned.'

The Council Tax Scam

'Have you ever looked closely at your Council Tax (CT) demand to see who gets your money, what proportion they get, and what percentage increases have been added to the different elements since last year?'


Another Lincolnshire authority recommends council tax rise

'North Kesteven District Council has become the latest Lincolnshire authority to back a council tax hike for its residents.'

'Although NKDC collects Council Tax it ultimately takes only 9 per cent of the overall bill. Lincolnshire County Council will take £1,128.78 at Band D (a rise of 3.59%) the Police & Crime Commissioner taking £201.51 (a proposed increase of 1.96%) and the charge set by parish and town councils, which will be confirmed shortly. NKDC’s Full Council will consider its budget at its meeting on Thursday 25 February.'

Council Tax percentage increases for 2016/17 are:
  • Lincolnshire County Council - 3.59%
  • North Kesteven District Council - 3.41%
  • Police and Crime Commissioner - 1.96%
  • Nocton Parish Council - 15.21%

The tax share for a Band D property in 2016/17 is expected to be:
  • Lincolnshire County Council - £1,128.78 (73.43%)
  • North Kesteven District Council - £149.85 (9.75%)
  • Police and Crime Commissioner - £201.51 (13.11%)
  • Nocton Parish Council - £57.05 (3.41%)
Total  for a Band D property 2016/17: £1,537.19

Councils and police set to take £50 more of your money - and give you FEWER services in return

1 comment:

  1. In my mind it does not matter that the actual amount in real terms is little. The percentage increase is a disgrace. Maybe all Parish Councils should get together and demand a larger share of the pot.


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