Report Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday, 8 March at 7pm
Once again several members of the public attended the meeting last Tuesday. I mention it as we are fortunate in having so many interested and involved residents in Nocton. Having spoken to and visited other parishes in the area this is not the norm, so thank you all!
Police Report
No crimes this month, though concern was expressed at the three recent deaths on the B1188 near Nocton and our PCSO is to check if any measures are to be taken in the light of this and report back to us.
Later on in the meeting, these accidents were discussed at some length, with several suggestions offered both from the public and from Councillors to improve the situation. At the accident hot spots: double white lines; 40mph limit; average speed check cameras to mention but a few. However, it was noted that all manner of restrictions could be imposed but that in itself would not, unfortunately, stop reckless and inconsiderate drivers. The Parish Council is also going to raise the matter with the Highways Authority and Councillor Jones will also arrange for the issue to be discussed by the Community Policing Panel and Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership.
Clerk’s Report
Owners of a Fish and Chip van have made enquiries as to whether they could conduct business in Nocton. Further details of which day and hours are intended are to be sought and then the VHMC and Social Club be consulted - as the van could be parked by the Village Hall. In principle, the Parish Councillors were in favour of supporting this proposal for an additional service to the village.
A special commemorative medal is to be produced for the Queen’s 90th birthday celebrations. Following on from the success of the Diamond Jubilee mugs, all residents will shortly receive a slip asking if they wish to purchase one or more of the medals at a cost of £2.00 each.
Nocton Youth Club
Our excellent youth leader has sadly had to give in his notice due to his other job commitments. Maddie Parker and Lesley Stoneham are gallantly holding the fort with the assistance of some volunteer help until Easter, when it is hoped to have a new leader in place.
Nocton Village Hall Redevelopment - Next Steps
The recently formed Sub committee of the Parish Council for this project met on 22 February. This group has already met with the recommended VAT specialists and will be seeing a legal specialist later in the month. The tender documents have been uploaded onto the Government’s Public Contracts Site as the law now requires. Minutes of the Sub-committee’s meetings are available on the Parish Council website and the date of the next meeting is Monday, 18 April at 6 p.m. in the Village Hall. Members of the public are invited to attend.
Nocton and Potterhanworth Neighbourhood Plan
The Plan is now in draft form and is currently being considered by the Community Groups from the two villages and the Steering Group. There are still quite a few steps to be taken before it can be presented to the public for consultation and then finally to a village referendum. Nine policy areas are being developed to help inform the future planning of our villages in an effort to prevent any wholesale and unwanted development of the area. It is important that neither of our villages have anything imposed on them that is not the wish of the majority of the residents.
Nocton Hall
LEDA and their consultants are currently holding private pre-planning application discussions with NKDC and it appears that their latest proposal is for some 170 houses on this site. LEDA’s Planning Consultants are to be invited to attend the Annual Parish Meeting on Tuesday, 17 May to make a further presentation on their proposals and to answer questions.
Planning Applications
The Wellhead Lane development is now for four detached homes. Generally, the Council had no particular issues with the current proposals but is to inform NKDC that there are concerns over the proximity of the houses to some of the trees and the fact that it appears responsibility for the future maintenance of the beck has not yet been resolved.
Councillors’ Reports
A Nocton Newsletter is to be published in lieu of the Doodle and trialled for six months with the costs for that period being met by the Nocton 200 Club. Many thanks to Karen Flatters at Nocton Community School for helping Councillor Kania put this together. It should hit your doormats any day.
Date of next meeting
Tuesday, 12 April 2016 at 7 p.m. This is also the Parish Council’s AGM which will precede the Ordinary Meeting.
“Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose.”
Councillor MaryAnn Williams
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