I refer to my blog of Monday 7th March 2016 and wish to summarise the latest position.
Query posted: 3 days ago - 09/3/2016 15:01 [Ref: #51]
Author: Geoff Hall
"Good afternoon,
I would like to know when/if the remaining properties in Nocton will obtain superfast broadband. There are three cabinets from the Metheringham Exchange (SLMIM) currently serving Nocton:
- Cab 3 (FTTC enabled) GR 056625 that feeds 528 premises, mainly in Dunston;
- Pillar 3/2 (not FTTC enabled) GR 058641 that feeds 210 premises in Nocton;
- Cab 12 (FTTC enabled) GR 058646 that feeds 62 premises in Nocton.
On a more personal note, my own BT line is linked through Cabinet 3 and whilst this is fibre enabled it is 2.5km away from my cottage, which means I cannot get superfast broadband. However, Pillar 3/2 is within 50 metres of the telegraph pole taking my line, so I am hoping this will be re-routed to the new Cab 16 so I can get the faster broadband service.
Please will you look into this matter and let the Nocton residents have a comprehensive reply on what is happening for this village and where the new Cab 16 is located.
Many thanks,
Geoff Hall"
Response posted: 2 days ago - 10/3/2016 08:08 [Ref: #52]
Author: Stephen Brookes
"Good Morning Geoff,
I visited Nocton yesterday to take a look for myself and despite being assured the DSLAM at SCP 3/2 was up and powered, it very obviously wasn't. Further investigation has revealed that the DSLAM is actually situated at SCP 3/1. Clearly this is an error that BT has recognised and I have assurances that they are meeting with their supplier this morning to fast-track the build at 3/2.
When we get the output from the meeting, we will be a little clearer on the next steps and will update the website accordingly. Please accept my apologies for this, but we are working to meet existing timescales.
In terms of your actual connection, the physical re-configuration of existing infrastructure comes under a set of regulations that refer to 'Equivalence'. In other words, if BT move an existing routing for themselves, or indeed another ISP, they are obligated to preovide this facility for any other line that requires it and on that basis, they keep away from it.
Having said that, it may well be that they amalgamate all lines in Nocton en masse and this is something that they can possibly do under certain conditions.
Onlincolnshire Project Update - Week ending 11th March 2016
"Metheringham 3/2 (Nocton) - Minor delay to delivery expected, BT meeting with sub-contractor next week to confirm timescales."
BT Openreach misses 1,000 appointments a week
'The select committee launched its inquiry into superfast broadband coverage in November and has since received submissions from around 100 businesses and individuals. It expects to finish hearing evidence in mid-April.'
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