Thursday, 7 April 2016

Traffic Calming

Traffic is Killing Our Village!

Many rural villages feel swamped by speeding traffic. So what is the solution?

Wellhead Lane

I am pleased to see the Parish Council has decided to introduce traffic calming measures to reduce the speed of vehicles entering the residential area of Nocton. This will act as a psychological narrowing of the entrance to the restricted speed zone of 30mph .

This measure now needs to be adopted for Main Street and Potterhanworth Road entrances to complete the village scheme. Our Parish Council should be commended for pursuing such a good initiative, which has the additional benefit of being aesthetically pleasing too.

Wellhead Lane
A Review of Current Traffic Calming Measures

This report examines the various traffic calming techniques developed in Europe.

Traffic Calming

Statistics that demonstrate how successful a variety of traffic calming interventions have been.


  1. Geoff. Just to confirm that the Parish Council will be evaluating what effect this "gating" in Wellhead Lane has on traffic speeds by using SID (Speed Indicator Device) and talking to residents. If it proves successful in slowing traffic down, then we have already agreed to do the same at the two entrances to the village you've mentioned (it is not an expensive measure). Although having said that, it might prove difficult to do exactly the same on Main Street as the verges by the 30 mph signs are not very wide. Hopefully, however, and by talking to Highways, we can come up with something appropriate.

    Ian Goldsworthy
    Chair - Nocton Parish Council

  2. Thanks for the additional information Ian - much appreciated.

  3. A good measure which will hopefully remind all of us this is a village with speed restrictions…...

  4. Thanks for the comment Vernon.


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