Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Parish Council Report

Report of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 15 November 2016

In the absence of the Chair (Councillor Goldsworthy) the Vice Chair, Councillor Murray, chaired the meeting.

Apologies were also received from Cllr Kaye, District Cllrs Money and Kendrick and County Cllr Overton.

The Clerk had received a report from Lincolnshire Police saying that no crimes had been reported in the last month.

Community Police Panel
The meeting was held in Nocton VH on 24 October and a respectable number of residents had attended.  The topic that invited the most discussion was that of the recent incidents involving a local dog.  It appeared that although there had been several reports they had been to different agencies so the full nature of the problem had not been appreciated.  This is now being investigated.

The Christmas Fayre is being held on 26 November from 1pm - 4pm with all the usual goodies and 200 Club draw.  Stalls from all the various clubs in the village, as well as outside traders will be present - so please do try to pop in.  A “Back End” lunch of heartwarming bangers and mash and home made puds is being held on Friday 9 December.  Tickets are £5.00 on the door, but if you are coming please try and let a member of the VHMC know.

Village Keeper/Dog Warden
Leaves are the main problem at this time of year and although the Village Keeper is trying to keep abreast of the worst areas, residents are asked if they could keep their pavement areas free of leaves if at all possible.  As there is to be a substantial increase in the cost of emptying the dog waste bins for 2017, the Village Keeper is to be asked if this could be added as part of his village keeper duties.

Planning – Former Tennis Court to rear of Village Hall
The complaint to NKDC regarding a number of issues relating to this application has now been submitted on the appropriate pro forma.

Solicitors Bridge McFarland are to be asked to clarify the exact situation of the existing covenant on the car park and the effect this may have upon the proposed access to the site.  The decision by Highways not to object was noted.  However, as this, and other decisions made by the Highways Authority seemed to ignore valid issues raised by both residents and the Parish Council, the Highways Officer will be asked to attend a future meeting to explain how these decisions have been made.  This will assist the Parish Council in understanding the issues which relate to any future planning application upon which it may wish to comment.
In addition, Highways are to be asked to look at the hedges that are encroaching onto the footways in some areas of the village, as some of the hedges, over the years, have extended well beyond the property boundaries, most of which are marked by metal fencing.

The decision to refuse planning permission at Plot 72A on Steamer Road was noted.  However, a new application has now been received and an Extraordinary Meeting of the Parish Council will be held on 29 November at 6.00 pm to discuss this new application.

A large sycamore at the bottom of Wegberg Road, which we understand has a TPO on it, may be in danger of damage from the heavy construction traffic.  NKDC is to be asked if a fence can be erected around it for protection against a mishap.

The Parish Council was unable to comment on an application for tree work at a property on Main Street as the application was not on the NKDC website.

Nocton Village Hall Redevelopment
Simons are to be formally appointed as the successful applicants to see this project through.
They will apply for planning permission on the Parish Council's behalf as soon as the estimated cost of the build is received.

An application for a Building Works Loan cannot be made until planning permission is given.  Cllr Williams is to confirm that the arrangements for reclaiming VAT are in place and HMRC will be made aware that claims will be made at monthly/quarterly intervals during the period of build.

Nocton and Potterhanworth Neighbourhood Plan
Many thanks to everyone who returned the questionnaire.  All comments have been noted.  The plan has now been submitted and there will be a further six-week 'publicity' phase organised by NKDC.  After the final Independent Examination, expected in the New Year, a referendum on the plan will be held in Spring.

Youth Club
A number of volunteers have come forward to run this and details and a short questionnaire is in the November Newsletter.  It is hoped that enough children will wish to attend and that volunteer numbers ensure that it will be sustainable.

Nocton 200 Club
A cheque for £1200 was handed over to the Clerk by Jim Eagle, the Promoter and organiser of the 200 Club, to be used for community project funding.  To date £6000 has been raised and £6000 given away in prize money.  The next draw is at the Christmas Fayre on 26 November with a SPECIAL CHRISTMAS BONUS.  For those of you who are not yet members, application forms for 2017 will be available.

Progress Reports
Cllr Williams had received a quote of £400 for the provision of white fencing on Main Street and Potterhanworth Road, similar to that on Wellhead Lane.  The quote needs to be in writing and there was also some discussion as to whether it reduced the speed of vehicles.  Unfortunately, however, data from the past is not available.

In the meantime, Cllr Williams would arrange for a working party to clear the proposed sites for the fencing and to clear the area opposite the Church and at the end of the mown area of The Village Green as recommended by the tree officer from NKDC at his last visit.  This activity is planned for the New Year – so watch for details or contact Cllr Williams if you are interested in helping.

Cllr Faulkner reported that some tarmac had been laid and iron work lowered in Nocton Park and that some shrubs have been planted along Wegberg Road, although when the road will be up to the standard for adoption is not known.

Date of next meeting Tuesday 13 December at 7.00 pm.  Wine/soft drinks and mince pies will be served at 6.30 pm, prior to the meeting.

Extraordinary Meeting on Tuesday 29 November at 6pm.

“All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.”

Cllr MaryAnn Williams

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