Monday, 29 May 2017

Report of WI meeting

Good turnout

The May meeting of Nocton & District W.I saw a good turnout of members, who came to listen to our guest speaker Rosie, who had just returned from demonstrations in Los Angeles. Rosie’s speciality was making and preserving everything and anything you could think of, indeed she told us her latest creation was pickled Brussel sprouts, which were proving very popular.

Before giving us a practical demonstration on how to make Wholegrain Mustard, she gave us a very informative talk about the history of the mustard seed, which was a cool weather crop. Unfortunately, all the mustard seed grown in England was automatically bought by Coleman’s mustard, which meant all other suppliers having to import the seed from India. Mustard was initially brought into this country by the Romans, and Tewkesbury where they settled, is indeed still famous today for its mustard.

After adding honey, nutmeg and salt to yellow and brown mustard seeds which had been soaking in beer, members, then heady with the aroma it produced, put the mixture into jars, which they then labelled and took home to rest for a week or two before using.  Rosie’s recipes’ together with all the preserving equipment she sells can be found at

The competition of providing something yellow was won by Val Abram, second was Jackie Fisher and third Maria Hall.

The raffle was won by Jackie Fisher.

Next month’s guest speaker is Geoff Trinder, a photographer specialising in animals in their natural habitat.

The next meeting is Monday 12 June 2017 in Nocton Village Hall at 7.15 pm.

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