Tuesday, 12 June 2018

'Nocton in Lincolnshire' - blog closing

Goodbye and thankyou

I have lived in the village since Jul 2005 and established this blog in Jan 2007. The original aim was to record much of the miscellany relating to village history left lying around in cardboard boxes, thus making it available online for others to read.

It then morphed into a campaigning blog during Nocton Dairies plan to establish a huge factory farm on Nocton Heath. The blog has since transformed into a resource for advertising local events and happenings in and around the village, occasionally for providing comment on public administration and planning applications.

After much deliberation, I feel it is now time to get on with my life and enjoy my retirement, without constantly seeking items to keep the blog populated. The existing material will remain 'live' for archive purposes, however it will no longer be maintained or kept up to date. Comments will still be published though where submitted.

The following resources will still be available for your local information:
  • 'What's on in Nocton' [published on Facebook]
  • 'The Nocton News' [published by Nocton Parish Council]

Thanks for reading my blog over the years, wherever you are located... and goodbye.

Stewardship margins - Nocton Estate
[photo taken 11 June 2018]


  1. Thank you Geoff for all the information and interesting stories you have provided through the years, even after leaving nocton we could keep upto date with things happening. Enjoy your retirement
    All best Joan and Philip

    1. Thank you Joan and Philip for your kind words.

  2. Many thanks for your posts over the years. You will be missed.
    Ralph Timms

    1. Thank you Ralph - about time some younger people stepped up to the mark. See you around.

  3. So long Geoff and thanks! And as a recent reminder of how close we came ... https://www.devonlive.com/news/devon-news/farmer-ordered-remove-stinking-toxic-1700861

    1. Thanks Debs - yep it was certainly a close run thing wasn't! See you soon xx


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