Monday, 8 October 2012

Council business

October News for Nocton

Firstly is the monthly update from County Councillor Overton, received 08 Oct 2012:

"Dear Friends and Colleagues,

I hope you are well and enjoying our village events this Autumn as much as I am.
Please find the October News attached (with pictures)...

Kind Regards,

Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday, 2nd October 2012.

A much depleted Parish Council sat for its October meeting with two of our members having resigned, our Chair ill and apologies for absence from Councillor Faulkner.  However, under the guidance of Councillor Goldsworthy, the Vice Chair, and our new Clerk Stephen Altridge, although lively at times, thanks to the large resident turn out a busy and interesting agenda was completed in a timely manner.

These are some of the exciting new projects and initiatives in the pipeline:

Village Hall.  The Parish Council is to become an affiliated member of Village Hall Community Lincs.  Free advice can then be obtained from all sorts of sources and hopefully substantial amounts of funding.  Our Village Hall, having served us so well for the past 30 years, is in now need of a makeover and so that it is able to meet the needs of the present and next 30 years.

Donation of Book Collection.  A resident of Nocton, Michael Holden, has a large number of books, mostly historical and some quite precious that he has generously donated to the Parish Council to sell.  The proceeds from the sale will be held in a special fund to use for the whole community.  Details about the sale appear elsewhere in The Doodle.

Best Kept Village 2013 is to be launched at the Christmas Fair on Saturday 24th November.  “Sowing the Seeds”.  There will be sign-up sheets for anyone interested and what an individual’s skills are!  The first actual meeting will be held in the New Year, when planning in earnest will begin.

Nocton Hall. District Councillor John Money gave a summary on the current position regarding the Hall in the light of recent reports which are being considered by NKDC.  It is clear that it is still very much in the balance as to how the Hall will, or can, be developed in the future.  However, the Chair, Vice-chair and Councillor Hall are to meet with senior officers at NKDC on 9th October when, it is hoped, they will receive a more up-to-date briefing which can be shared with residents more generally.

Broad Band.  If Nocton is to benefit from the £57millon that is being offered for communities with slow or virtually non existent broadband connection, then it is important that residents (with or without) computers sign up for a share of this funding.  For, as with so much these days, it is those who shout the loudest who get the most.

If you have a computer, please log onto and follow the instructions or phone 01522 782066.

If you wish to see a full Parish Council report please look on the Parish Council Website or one of the Parish notice boards.

Date of next meeting:  Tuesday 6th November at 7pm.

Finally, quite a nice and apt quote………..

Councillor MaryAnn Williams

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