Monday, 10 December 2012

Parish Council

Report of Nocton Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday, 4th December.

Nocton Hall: Outline Development Options:  The December meeting offered rather a different format with the meeting being preceded by a display from NKDC of the preferred option for developing Nocton Hall and the associated former RAF Hospital site.  Residents were able to have a good look at the work carried out by English Heritage on behalf of NKDC, together with the various options and costings that went to the District Council for its consideration.  If you have not had a chance to fill in a feedback form with your views on the future of the Hall, then a copy can be obtained by emailing direct.

CLAN (Community Action Plan for Nocton: The CLAN Chair, Chris Tyler, gave an initial presentation on the important and headline findings which arose from the CLAN survey carried out over the summer.  The information was compiled from the fantastic 73% response rate to the survey – a truly remarkable achievement and evidence as to how involved residents wish to be in framing the future of their village. In a nutshell, the survey demonstrated how important it is to ALL of us that Nocton retains its village and rural feel.  As Nocton Hall and the hospital grounds are such an integral part of this, it was an ideal opportunity to present the survey findings to both residents and the NKDC representatives.

Nocton Hall: An update on the current position regarding the development of the Hall and grounds was given by Karen Bradford (Corporate Director – NKDC). Unfortunately and not unsurprisingly, there is no quick fix to resolving the future of this whole site.  The immediate possibility of NKDC compulsorily purchasing was discounted on financial grounds and it was noted that the best chance of success lay in working with LEDA Properties (the site owners) and other potential developers.  Karen Bradford outlined the steps which NKDC were taking, in consultation with the Parish Council, to help bring this about.

Prior to the start of the formal business of the Parish Council, councillors shared a glass of wine and mince pie with those residents who attended the meeting.

Several issues arose during the course of the meeting which require your help or involvement:

War Memorial: The “lenticular” war memorial that was commissioned to honour the fallen of Nocton cannot be displayed as a permanent feature in our Parish Church.  Suggestions as to where best to site this important memorial are, therefore, being sought.  It does, however, need a power supply and cannot stand out in the open with no protection.  Please let the Parish Clerk know if you have any ideas.

Books: The sale of the books kindly donated to the parish raised in excess of £500.  The money is to be used for the community, so if you or your group wishes to apply for some or all of it please let the Parish Clerk know (please see separate item for further information).

Potholes: Potholes are beginning to appear again in our roads, particularly in Main Street and Wellhead Lane.  If you see any problems then please report the matter direct to Lincolnshire County Council on-line or phone on 01522 552222.

Rubbish Bins: As reported last month, there has been a change of contractor for this service.  If you have experienced, or are continuing to experience, a bad service please let the Parish Clerk or one of your Councillors know as they will happily take the matter up with NKDC on your behalf.

Nocton Village Hall: A working party comprising representatives of the Parish Council, Village Hall Management Committee and Social Club is to be set up in the New Year to consider ways of updating and improving our Village Hall in order that it can continue to meet the needs of the village for the next 30 years.

The Village Hall Management Committee is looking for nominations to serve on the Committee for the coming year prior to its AGM on 30th January 30 2013.  So if you, or anyone you know, might be interested in being a member of this important village committee, please inform Doreen Green, the Secretary.  Additionally, there are still places available on the Social Club’s Management Committee.  Please contact the Chair, Chris Hewitt, for details.

And finally, remember “The beginning is half the action …….”

Date of next meeting: Tuesday, 8th January 2013                                    

Councillor MaryAnn Williams

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