Wednesday 31 July 2013

Cricket Club Fete

Nocton Cricket Club Fete
Sunday 11th August @ 2.00pm @ Nocton Cricket Ground

Ski ball, skittles, wellie chuckin, egg 'n' spoon, running, sack race, keep ups (football), bowling (cricket), plus much more.
Open to all ages. Many prizes to be won for events.
Refreshments available, plus a beer tent open all day!

Car boot sale & Craft stalls
Throughout the afternoon. £7 per car/stall.

BBQ @ 4.30pm
Relax with a burger (or six!) after the afternoon's events. £5 per person. Pre-bookable, please call Joan (01526 322902) or Carolyn (01476 402404)

Twenty20 Cricket Match @ 5.30pm
Miles Lynch XI vs Kyle Thompson XI

[For more information, see the advert in the Post Office window]

Tuesday 30 July 2013

Accident inquest

We'll never know why our son died in Christmas crash

'Christopher Edward Jones was on his way to visit his girlfriend when he lost control of his Peugeot 306, crossed into the southbound lane of the B1188 at Waneham Hollow and crashed into a Fiat saloon on December 25... the Fiat driver, Teresa Cross, from Nocton, and her son-in-law, were both injured and taken to Lincoln County Hospital.'

Monday 29 July 2013

200 Club

Winners for July

1st  (145) Jane Kania
2nd (178)  Sue Watson
3rd (163) David Reay

Friday 26 July 2013

Our Village Hall

Next Committee Meeting

The next Village Hall Management Committee meeting is to be held on Wednesday 31st July. The meeting usually starts at 7.30 pm in Nocton Village Hall.

The Agenda is available on the Parish Council website if you are interested in the business to be discussed.

Parishioners are able to attend the meeting and express their point of view if they so wish, but are not entitled to vote on any matter arising.

Thursday 25 July 2013

Lincolnshire Alert

Lincolnshire Police Message

This is a message sent via Lincolnshire Alert. This information has been sent on behalf of Lincolnshire Police

(Please do not reply directly to this email, please use the Reply button at the bottom of this message)
Message sent by Jacqueline Commons (Support, Enquiry Officer, B'bridge Heath Station)

"This is a message from Bracebridge Heath Police Station, on Thursday 25th July 2013.

Please can we ask you to be extremely vigilant over the weekend, and ensure that any barns, outbuildings and gates are secured / blocked.

You may already be aware that a young male was spoken to by a gamekeeper in Nocton Fen last night. The male stated that he was looking for an empty building or somewhere to hold a party over the weekend.

We are carrying out further enquiries, but would ask that  you report any suspicious activity to us immediately and quote incident 531 24/07/13.

Thank you."

Wednesday 24 July 2013

Bus stops


It appears all the bus stop signs in the village have been renewed. Here are a couple of photos of those on Main Street:

Bus stop_shelter

Bus stop_seat

Tuesday 23 July 2013

Lipdub in Lincoln

Not exactly Nocton

You may be interested in this promotional video about our great city - a fun way to brighten up a wet and rainy day.

Monday 22 July 2013


Lincoln School of Journalism receives NCTJ accreditation

A familiar face from Nocton... congratulations to all concerned for this achievement.

'The University of Lincoln School of Journalism has been awarded accreditation by the National Council for the Training of Journalists (NCTJ) in recognition of its media training.

Deborah Wilson, Programme Leader for the BA (Hons) Journalism course, said: "It’s great that as a school we can now say that we have accreditation with all the relevant bodies in the UK, as well as recognition from the European Journalism Training Association." '

Saturday 20 July 2013

Nocton Community School

July Newsletter

Please find the latest newsletter on this link. Enjoy.

Thursday 18 July 2013

New light

All Saint's Church

A lovely replacement light for the main gateway.
New light for 2013

Monday 15 July 2013

Demographic change

Latest stats and figures- how our city is changing

The Lincoln Drivers Report, produced by the City of Lincoln Council, gives a snapshot of life in the city.

Thursday 11 July 2013

Police messages

Suspicious circumstances - Nocton 11/07/2013 14:00:22 [47057]

Message sent by Jacqueline Commons (Support, Enquiry Officer, B'bridge Heath Station)

This is a message on behalf of the Washingborough & Metheringham Local Policing Team, on Thursday 11th July 2013.

At approximately 13:15 today, a resident of Wellhead Lane in Nocton has witnessed two males trying the handles of some of the garages. The witness has spoken to the males, who are described as being in their early 20's, with eastern European accents. The first male is approximately 6' 3" tall and slim, whilst the second is described as being 5'11", and wearing a royal blue T-shirt and cut off jeans. They both left the area after they had been spoken to, driving away in a purple saloon car. Incident 184 11/07/13 refers.

If you have seen this vehicle or the males described and can provide further information, please contact us on 101.

Thank you

Quad bike Theft- Metheringham 11/07/2013 09:09:28 [47003]

Message sent by Jacqueline Commons (Support, Enquiry Officer, B'bridge Heath Station)
This is a message on behalf of the Washingborough & Metheringham Local Policing Team, on Thursday 11th July 2013.

Between 14:30 and 16:00 hrs on Wednesday 10 th July, unknown offender/s have taken a black Polaris 850cc quad bike from a garage at an address on Manor Lane in Metheringham. Incident 294 10/07/13 refers.

Please contact us on 101 should you have any information which may assist us with this incident .
Thank you

This are messages sent via Lincolnshire Alert. This information has been sent on behalf of Lincolnshire Police.

Tuesday 9 July 2013

Our Village Hall

A state of limbo

It was never envisaged that a Chapter 4 would be written about ‘Our Village Hall’, but in view of developments, perhaps one is necessary.

Following my last article ‘Lighting up the future’, I have published a comment that was received from a Village Hall Management Committee (VHMC) member. This can be viewed by clicking on the ‘Comments’ link at the bottom of that article. You can also read my formal response there too.

It appears the VHMC meeting held on Thursday 27 June was a rather fractious affair, resulting in the Chairman and Vice-Chairman walking out. The Treasurer was appointed temporary Chairperson for the remainder of the meeting in order to conduct the remaining business.

No formal Minutes have been issued to date as a record of the business conducted, so it is rather difficult to know exactly what transpired, however I am grateful for an update from the Village Representative:

"From: Sue Morris
Sent: Sunday, June 30, 2013 11:28 AM
To: Geoff Hall
Subject: Re: Nocton Village Hall Management Committee

Dear Mr Hall,

With reference to your email of the 1st of June, I read it all to the meeting of the NVHMC on 27th of June. The matters that you raised were discussed in detail and will be minuted.

Sue Morris"

The only record of the proceedings from Thursday 27 June is contained in a report submitted to the Parish Council on Tuesday 2 July 2013 from those Councillors who attended. This highlights certain items that were agreed, namely:
  • It is important for there to be more consultation and openness by the officers of the VHMC
  • The agenda and minutes must be published and sent either by email or hard copy to all committee members in advance of the VHMC meetings
  • Within the agenda will be a list of all members of the committee
  • A new seating arrangement for all committee members was suggested and accepted
  • The Treasurer will undertake a review of the costs of running the Village Hall
  • This review of costs must be presented to the full Village Hall Committee to decide how best to ensure outgoings and incomings match
  • It may be necessary to review the hiring charges for all groups who use the Village Hall
  • Voting should take place on all issues by the whole Committee

Additionally, it was reported to the Parish Council meeting that the Chairman of the VHMC has since decided to resign his position due to ill-health, which somewhat puts the Village Hall Working Group in abeyance too.

At this juncture, it is only right and proper to offer Mr Franklin a speedy recovery and record here the appreciation of the community for his long association with the Village Hall.

With regard to the Vice-Chairman, since leaving the meeting on 27 June it is not clear whether his intention is to formally resign his position as an officer of the VHMC. I am not aware of any formal letter of resignation being received by the Secretary.

Perhaps consideration now needs to be given to filling the vacant position(s)?

The next Ordinary VHMC meeting is not scheduled to be held until Wednesday 31 July 2013, but it would seem more appropriate to call an urgent Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) for this particular business. In which case, it requires one-third or more of the VHMC members to apply to the Chairman in writing (although this position is now vacant).

If this were to happen, a minimum of 14 days notice must be given of the EGM by displaying notices around the village and in the vestibule of the Village Hall. Given that there are 14 or so members of the VHMC, it would require circa 5 committee members to sign the request for an EGM for the application to be valid.

We wait to see how the situation evolves. I will give an update as soon as I have any further information.

Monday 8 July 2013

The Doodle

July/August Issue 18

"Hello Everyone

Please find attached the summer edition of “the doodle”.  We will be taking a break during August and the next issue will be out same time in September.   I hope you all have a good summer break whatever your plans are.  Please have a close read of my editorial in this issue.  If you would consider helping me in my quest, that would be wonderful and the Charity and I would be so grateful Smile

The copy deadline for September is Wednesday 28th August 2013.  I look forward to hearing all your news for inclusion then.  Keep up to date with Best Kept Village by checking the BKV 2013 website throughout the summer and perhaps ‘like’ the Facebook page to receive real time updates.

Have a super holiday time then, see you in September.


Jilly B

Latest on Nocton Hall

In the Parish Council Report (p4 of The Doodle), there was reference made to a company which is interested in creating a solar farm at the old hospital site of Nocton Hall. As the company's name  (HILT Veterans Group) was actually mentioned in the Clerk's Report to the Parish Council on 2nd July 2013, I decided to do some background research into this organisation.

As fate would have it, I was able to have an interesting chat with a couple of the guys involved during my visit to the Waddington Air Show this weekend. Wandering around the static displays, I noticed the HILT Foundation stall and took the opportunity to speak to Patrick Fryer and Dave Cash.

I was particularly interested in their set up, supporting as they do members of our armed services at times of dire need... and thought what a complementary development this would be for the site, considering the history of the RAF Hospital.

More information is below:

The HILT Foundation

HILT Foundation at Waddington Air Show 2013
'The HILT Foundation is a charity comprising of Veterans who are helping other Veterans. The charity’s aims are to provide support of whatever kind is needed to Veterans – primarily in the County of Lincolnshire.'


HILT Veterans Group Chairmans Message

HILT Message 2012


HILT Renewable Energies

In 2012 Alexander Dowsey Fryer Green LLP became a sustaining member of The HILT Foundation.

Thursday 4 July 2013

Lincolnshire Echo

Free recitals for all to enjoy

'All Saints Church, Nocton is the venue for 'A Feast of Musicke'. Baroque ensemble, Sixteen-Eighty-Five play music by Bach, Handel, Castello and Ortiz featuring recorders, flute and harpsichord in this fine Gothic revival church, 7.30pm. Tickets £5. Call 01526 322930.'

MP questions ministers on pension protection

'SLEAFORD MP Stephen Phillips has questioned ministers from the Department for Work and Pensions on the protection of pensions for those who have worked for one company all their working life.'

Wednesday 3 July 2013

Parish Council

Notes on the Parish Council Meeting Tuesday 2 July 2013

Network Rail GNGE Project
Mark Walker and his team from Network Rail gave a presentation to the Parish Council and some of the residents on the recent works that have been carried out on the bridges and tracks in our area as part of the multi-million pound project to upgrade the line from Grantham to Doncaster.

In 2008, the East Coast passenger rail line was at full capacity and Network Rail decided to upgrade the passenger and freight lines, so that in the future more freight could travel on the existing lines and all trains run faster.  Tracks, signaling, tunnels and additional infrastructure have all been upgraded and this has resulted in the potential for “our” track to take four more trains an hour, should the need arise.  Trains can now travel at least 30% faster, meaning quicker journeys and less time waiting at the barriers.

The government has to make CO² savings to meet emission criteria and getting any additional (or even existing) lorries off the roads would make a significant saving.

Concerns as to lots of additional trains and hazardous freight were dispelled.  At the moment, it is not envisaged that any extra trains will run and hazardous freight is not carried on this line.  The Wellhead embankment has been tidied up and the planting of hedging on the B1202 is being addressed as the contractors are bound to replace the area to its original state as far as possible.  Unfortunately, we can do nothing about the design of the finished bridges!

Two crimes of theft were reported last month – at one of the pumping stations and red diesel from Wasps Nest.  The police (after giving chase) managed to apprehend the person suspected of taking the red diesel and he is now in custody.

Best Kept Village
A big thank you was given to all who had participated in the recent ’Tidy Days” clean up.  Regrettably, however, the BKV Inspectors had already carried out the first round of judging a few days earlier although it is hoped that enough had already been done to get Nocton through the first round and we are now really ready for the second inspection.

However, the cutting back of verges and long grass uncovered quite a lot of dog mess, especially along the Dunston bridle path and in the church yard – so owners please clean up after your dogs. 

Village Hall
Sadly, Philip Franklin has had to retire as Chair due to health reasons.  I, personally, will be sorry to lose him as Chair of our Village Hall Working Party that is making good progress in getting the constitution sorted out, so that the future of our Hall and how it is run and maintained is secured.

Bridge and McFarland (solicitors) are to be asked to make sure that the documents are on the right track as they have already had similar dealings with another local Village Hall.

Central Lincolnshire Allocation Preliminary Consultation
It is proposed that some 42,000 new homes should be provided in the Central Lincolnshire area over the coming years, with some 2,375 of these being located in the smaller hamlets and villages (of which Nocton is classified as one).  All residents are encouraged to submit their own comments as part of the current consultation process on this extremely important matter.  Further details are available on the Central Lincolnshire Joint Planning Unit’s website at

The Council has submitted its own comprehensive response to the proposals expressing concern at the impact which they might have on the area in general and on Nocton in particular.  reference has been made to the views of residents as expressed in the recently adopted Parish Plan which is against further large-scale development in the village.  Residents are invited to view the Council’s response which is available on the Parish Council’s own website.

Given the importance of having a Neighbourhood Plan for our area, it was agreed that the Chair contact Potterhanworth and Dunston Parish Councils with a view to exploring the potential for developing such a Plan covering all of these villages.

To close on this theme and to highlight the impact of having a Plan, a company with interest in putting in a solar farm on part of the old hospital site has contacted the Parish Council.  Our clerk will pass the owner’s (LEDA) details onto them, and let them know that the Nocton Parish Plan demonstrates that this kind of development is perfectly in keeping with residents’ wishes.

There will be no Parish Council Meeting in August so we look forward to seeing you on Tuesday 3 September at 7pm.

“it's a smile, it's a kiss, it's a sip of wine ... it's summertime!”  
Councillor MaryAnn Williams

Tuesday 2 July 2013

North Kesteven

The Pheasantry

There has been an amendment to the original planning application relating to a new-build property on the land adjacent to The Pheasantry. The application description is as follows:

Application for a non-material amendment following a grant of planning permission 11/0633/FUL (Erection of detached house and integral garage (Re-submission 11/0176/FUL)

Alteration of full-height glazed gable to the front elevation  |  The Pheasantry The Green Nocton Lincoln Lincolnshire LN4 2BN.

The application form states:

'Omission of the full height glazed gable to the front elevation, by way of altering/removing the top glazed panels.'

More detail can be obtained via the Planning Online portal on the North Kesteven District Council website:

Top 10 ranking for Kesteven in best places to live in the UK

'A national review has named Lincolnshire's neighbouring districts of North and South Kesteven as the 10th best place for families to live in the UK.'

Monday 1 July 2013

Better broadband

Speedier, better broadband rolled out in North Kesteven

An extract from the Summer 2013 newsnk paper received today:

"Different parts of North Kesteven will be switched on to superfast broadband - to achieve download speeds of at least 24 Megabytes per second (Mbs) - at different  times as the eight phases sweep across the county between this October and October 2015.

The first homes to benefit will be those in North Hykeham and on the fringes of Lincoln which haven't yet been equipped by BT.

Improvement here are timed to begin in October, followed next January by remaining parts of Sleaford and villages to its south, east and north, the Cliff villages, settlements along the B1188 and villages west of Lincoln."

So it seems there's hope for Nocton yet.