Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Tanker traffic

White's Recycling

Residents may have noticed an increase in tanker traffic navigating our village. I have spoken with a representative of the company this afternoon and been told the job is due to last until Thursday.

I am given to believe these vehicles are visiting the anaerobic digester on Nocton Fen.


Parish Council meeting - 5th November

A useful update was given by the Beeswax Farming representative. The tankers were collecting 'seeding material' from the Nocton Fen AD for a new anaerobic digester at South Kirkby, helping to get it up and running. It was only a short-term contract.

The Mountain's Recycling HGV travelling through the village were delivering chicken litter to the concrete 'pad' at Nocton Fen AD site, ready for distribution on the land. It is being used to improve the soil health and to reduce the use of chemical fertiliser. The aim is to have better soil management, resulting in an increased crop yield.

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