Sunday, 27 April 2014

Giant Wind Farm

James Dyson sucked into row over giant wind farm

'SIR JAMES DYSON has been drawn into a row over plans to build Britain’s biggest onshore wind turbines on his land.'

Tory energy policy is designed for the few, not the many

'Onshore wind power is cheaper and fairer than the alternatives. It is vote-chasing of the worst kind to abandon it now.'

Wind farms ‘knock thousands off house values’

'Large wind farms can lead to a fall in house prices of up to 12%...'

Farmers could bear brunt of Tory wind farm plans

'FARMERS are being urged to get the ball rolling with wind turbine installations after the Conservative Party vowed to axe public subsidies for new onshore wind.'


  1. Unfortunately I did not manage to get a copy of yesterday's Sunday Times and so have only seen the summary report. I wonder if anyone, including Geoff, could add any further information?
    I'm not sure about the £500,000 in rental income going to James Dyson, as the option to lease was with Robert Beck, the previous landowner. I would have thought he would have been the beneficiary.
    Although James Dyson has spoken out in support of wind farms, this does not mean he is in favour of one on his own land.
    Let's hope for a good turn out for tomorrow evening's wind farm debate in Metheringham.

  2. I do not subscribe to the Sunday Times (nor any other paper actually) so I cannot assist with any further information - sorry. No doubt someone will have a copy of the article and will share the content Richard. I shall not be attending the meeting in Meth'm but I am going to Lutterworth. Furthermore, I will want to see far more detailed information from Vattenfall about their plans before forming an opinion on this matter... which I suspect will not be made available until the full planning application is submitted. Kind regards.

  3. Interesting to see the potential income to the Parish Council quantified in this article even if the source and veracity are not.
    "Dyson, who has previously spoken out in support of wind farms, stands to make £500,000 in rental income from the company if the proposal is approved, but has pledged to donate it to the community"
    That sounds like a lot of village hall, Nocton Hall conservation and general amenity improvement. Every year.

  4. Thanks for your comment Lincoln Edge. If all the money was indeed directed for the benefit of Nocton village, I can think of no better project than restoring the Grade 2 Listed Nocton Hall from total dereliction and renovating the pleasure gardens. If you have wandered around the site recently, you will see she doesn't have many years left... and some would say it is lost forever already. It would appear North Kesteven District Council see it as a lost cause and now have a 'do nothing' policy. Although you offer a glimmer of hope, as I understand the situation, the monies will be shared out to all affected communities. As a result every man and his dog will be putting in a claim for the share of the cash. Just how much money will actually end up in Nocton Parish Council hands will be debatable. Kind regards.

  5. Fair point Geoff about the distribution of cash, and if it was based on a population number criteria Metheringham would do better than Nocton.
    However can you put a price on beauty of landscape? Should the solitude and quietness of Nocton fen be sacrificed because of the possible potential gains for local communities. Personally I would say an emphatic NO.
    Coming back to the Option to Lease agreement this was with Robert Beck as the previous landowner, so it would seem that this has been transferred to the current landowner James Dyson.
    Once consent is given for the wind farm Vattenfall will exercise the Option to Lease and formally enter into a Lease Agreement with Dyson, who would then receive Construction disturbance payment as well as Annual rental payments - quoted as half a million per year.

  6. A small point Richard - whilst you have named individual directors, I think the lease agreement would more likely rest with the limited companies. Initially Nocton Fen Farms (Robert Beck), but then Beeswax Farming (Dyson family) once the land was purchased. It could even possibly sit with the company heading the corporate group. It seems the Vattenfall option agreement was already a legal obligation on any new landowner of the Nocton fenland. I therefore don't think Beeswax Farming would have had any choice when the Swedish company decided to implement the option relating to the potential wind farm.

  7. Quite right the legal owner is probably Beeswax Farming, rather than James Dyson as an individual.
    As regards my first posting that Robert Beck might be the beneficiary I suggested this because someone told me they thought rental incomes would go to him, but this is probably not the case as the general view seems to be that monies will go to the current landowner.
    Less than 4 hours now to kick off at NKDC!!

  8. Not to much to report from the meeting at NKDC but a good turn out by supporters of PNF. Graham Davey outlined to the council members and the public who were present what had happened so far and the stages that would follow in the coming months leading to a formal planning application by Vattenfall in the latter part of 2015.
    Tonight's meeting in Metheringham was well attended and a lively debate took place. Colin Davie speaking against onshore wind farms in Lincolnshire was excellent and got lots of loud applause from the audience.
    James Pocklington for the Lincolnsire Pro-wind alliance was a nice chap, but came under fire from a number of people.
    Certainly some people who had come along with an open mind decided at the end they were opposed to the idea of a wind farm on Nocton fen.
    No doubt the debate and discussion will go on. It seems there has been good media coverage today on Calendar, Look North, Radio Lincolnshire and Lincs FM.

  9. Thanks for the report Richard.


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