Sunday, 1 June 2014

Wind Farm

Nocton Fen

Courtesy of 'The Little Green Book' - Issue 55
A report and a recording has been made of the wind farm debate held at Metheringham Village Hall on 29th April 2014.

You may like to read more about this... and also listen to the recording at the links below:

 Lincolnshire Pro Wind Alliance

The report of the community debate

The recording of the community debate


  1. Just wondering Geoff if James Pocklington approached you rather than you approached him about putting this pro wind publicity on the blog?
    Its quite possible also that Vattenfall are enlisting the help of people like James Pocklington to try and persuade people to support the Nocton fen wind farm proposal.
    I've not listened yet to all of the debate recording, but I do know the majority of people present were opposed to the wind farm.
    We will have to wait and see if Protect Nocton Fen make a response to this latest posting.

  2. Hi Richard, I did get approached by the Clerk to Metheringham Parish Council about whether I wanted to display a link to the recording, but didn't hear further from her. However, this prompted me to search for it and having located it, I decided to include it with this particular blog entry. Kind regards, Geoff

  3. Hi Geoff
    Thanks for that. Answers my query.


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