Friday, 15 May 2015

Parish Council Report

Annual General Meeting - 12th May, 2015
Ian Goldsworthy was elected Chair and Elisabeth Murray Vice-Chair of the Parish Council for the coming year.

The Council re-adopted its existing “policies and procedures” although a small group of councillors would meet to deal with any minor updates which may be necessary.

A number of Members’ Portfolios were confirmed as follows:
  • Financial Matters, Budget and Policy - Chair
  • Highways, etc. - Councillor MaryAnn Williams
  • Nocton School and Youth Issues - Councillor Jane Kania
  • Nocton Hall, Planning, Crime and Anti-social Issues - Councillor Graham Jones
  • Nocton Park - Councillor Neil Faulkner
Other portfolios would be agreed following further discussion with our newest members.

Councillor Mike Kaye was welcomed to his first meeting of the Parish Council and is to take over from Councillor Goldsworthy on the New Village Hall Project Team.

The Chair’s Annual Report and Review of Achievement for 2014/15 is attached separately.  Together with the final accounts for the previous year, it will be printed and circulated to all households in the village so that residents can see exactly how their money is being spent by the Parish Council.

Ordinary Meeting - 12th May, 2015

Beeswax Farming

Robert Hall, the Farm Director, gave a brief update on the current activities and proposed developments taking place on the Nocton Estate.

Since purchasing Nocton Farm, Beeswax has seen a 300% growth, with its focus being on farms that are run down and/or where the land has been poorly managed.

In Nocton we have seen for ourselves the improvements made to drainage, tree works and the clearing of woodlands.  Six metre margins have been left along the edges of fields for wild life and nectar rich areas provided to encourage insects, etc.  Beeswax Farms are also in consultation with other land owners in the area to form a cluster group to provide corridors that will help give protection for wild life.

Staffing on the farm has increased from 3 to 45 full time employees and a youth training scheme is in operation.

There is a need, however, for more infrastructure e.g. internal estate roads, so as to keep farm traffic out of the village roads and for grain storage.  Other additional farm-related facilities are being looked at and the Parish Council will be kept informed of any developments.

In answer to a question from the public, it was explained that the ‘orange’ colour on some of the crops was a consequence of the programme to improve the soil and although fairly experimental at this stage it was hoped that the method of growing a “sacrificial” crop (in this case oats) and then “spraying it off” will naturally improve conditions with less need for the use of manufactured fertilisers.


Councillor Kaye circulated a map (see below) which, together with an accompanying letter sent by a firm acting on behalf of Vattenfall, had been delivered to some residents in Nocton asking them to provide certain information relating to their property/land.  It was understood that this was being requested in the event that their property/land would be affected by the need to construct an access road to the wind farm and provide for the underground cabling (specifically on land to the west and east of the B1188 opposite Nocton Top).  Given the considerable concern caused to residents by this letter which also referred to the potential for compulsory purchase it was agreed that the matter be thoroughly looked into by the Parish Council.

In the meantime, consultations and ‘engagement’ about the proposed wind farm at public meetings are ongoing.  The next event in Nocton is to take place on 12 June at the village hall.  At least one Parish Councillor endeavours to attend such meetings and report back.  Three councillors are also attending an event being held by PNF (Protect Nocton Fen) on 14th May.

New Village Hall

Councillor Williams reported that about a third of the questionnaires had been returned and that (unsurprisingly) most people were in broad agreement with the village hall amenities currently being proposed.  A fuller report on the outcome of the consultation will be available at the Annual Parish Meeting next Tuesday (19th May) at 7.00pm.

Neighbourhood Plan

Councillors Goldsworthy and Murray are continuing the preparatory work with colleagues at Potterhanworth and possibly Dunston in connection with a Neighbourhood Plan.  It was intended to launch formally the Plan at next week’s Annual Parish Meeting when a request for assistance from the community to help with this project would also be made.

200 Club

A set of guidelines to assist local groups wishing to submit a request for funding has been drawn up and will be provided to future applicants.

It was agreed to grant £146.25 to the Nocton Gardening Club as ‘seed’ money for the upcoming Nocton Open Garden weekend on June 20/21.  The Parish Council and 200 Club Promoter asked to be involved in the final decision as to the allocation of the funds raised by this event.

Planning Applications
  • All Saints Church - No objection was made to the proposal to erect a railing to boiler room steps.
  • Embsay Cottage - Whilst not opposed in principle to an extension to this property, we expressed real concern at the scale of the proposed development, not least because of the fact that the cottage is categorised as a “Significant Building” (of architectural interest) within the Conservation Area.  We were also concerned that together with the proposed two-storey garage this could potentially represent an over-development of the site.

Community Champion Awards

Finally, if anyone wants to nominate someone for this prestigious award please contact the Clerk for further information and we will be happy to submit the necessary application. Closing date:  Monday 27 July.

Future Meetings

Our meetings will return to being held monthly on the second Tuesday of each month.  The date of our next meeting is Tuesday, 9 June at 7.00pm.

Our Annual Parish Meeting is to be held on Tuesday 19 May at 7pm.  Please see our Notice Board and website for further details.

Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.

Councillor MaryAnn Williams

Annual Report 2014/15

Whilst last year has again been a busy one for the Parish Council – as evidenced by the accompanying Review of Achievement (see below) – it has also been a somewhat difficult one with the resignation of three members, including its former Chair.  On behalf of the Parish Council, I would, however, like to place on record our appreciation of the contribution made by Kate Tyler, Jilly Burr and Neil Summers to the life of the village during their time as councillors.  However, we have been fortunate in securing three very able “replacements” – Jane Kania, Mike Kaye and Liz Murray – to join Neil Faulkner, Graham Jones, MaryAnn Williams and myself on the Parish Council.  I am sure that the Parish Council will benefit greatly from both the experience of the “older” members and the new ideas and approaches of the “younger” ones!  As all seven of us have been elected unopposed to serve on the Parish Council for a further four years, I would like to think that this is an indication that residents have full confidence in us to deal with the major issues facing the village over the next few years.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all those residents who make the effort to attend our meetings and help keep us to account!  Their input is very much appreciated.  I would, however, very much hope that over the coming year we will see a greater involvement by the community in the work of the Parish Council, particularly in respect of those issues which I highlight below and which will at some point, I suspect, affect all of us in some way or another.

May I also take this opportunity to thank our Parish Clerk, Steve Altridge, who has worked extremely hard over the past year to support the Parish Council and the work it does.

On re-reading the introduction to last year’s Annual Report by the previous Chair, I was not surprised to see that the challenges for the Parish Council were exactly the same as those which face us now; that is:
  • to replace our aging Village Hall
  • to prepare a Neighbourhood Plan with our colleagues in Potterhanworth to ensure that any future development village takes place where we want it to and is at a scale which does not destroy the character of our village
  • to respond to all of the issues associated with Nocton Hall and the former hospital site; and, finally,
  • to ensure that the views of residents are heard in the forthcoming consultations, etc over the proposed wind farm on Nocton Fen and that Nocton can benefit from any financial arrangements which may become available if the development goes ahead
Although we have made a good start to address these issues, particularly in respect of the Village Hall, I am aware that much still needs to be done although, of course, with respect to Nocton Hall and the wind farm we are largely in the hands of others.

The Parish Council is, of course, the servant of the residents of Nocton who through their Council Tax and Precept pay for all the services it provides.  On behalf of my colleagues, therefore, I would wish to assure villagers that we will continue to work hard to ensure that our village remains a wonderful place in which to live and to resist as far as we are able anything which seeks to threaten our collective well-being.

Finally, I would like to thank my colleagues for all their support and hard work over the past year.

Councillor Ian Goldsworthy
Chair Nocton Parish Council 2014/15

Review of Achievements 2014/15

Parish Council Housekeeping
  • Parish Council’s Annual Report for 2012/13 and Budget for 2013/14 circulated to all households.
  • Council’s formal accounts for 2014/15 and associated Governance Statement approved without comment by external auditor
  • Subscribed to the Lincolnshire Association of Local Council’s Annual Training Scheme 2015/16
Village Improvements, Issues, etc
  • Replaced two Dog Waste Bins on Bridle Path
  • Commissioned a Tree Surgeon to inspect trees on Village Green to ensure their safety
  • Purchased lawn mower for use by volunteers to cut the Village Green “in house” saving the Parish Council some £400 per annum over the previous contract arrangements
  • Funded the maintenance and upkeep of the village’s three “Planters”
  • Supported and funded the costs associated with the annual Village “Litter Pick”
  • Participated in the Woodland Trust’s scheme to commemorate the centenary of the start of World War 1 by arranging for the planting of some 30 native species of trees throughout the village
  • Established a “Newspaper Delivery Scheme” with a local newsagent following the cessation of the previous household delivery arrangements
  • Continued to press the Highways Authority to deal with the problems caused by boundary hedges, etc extending onto pavements.
Village Hall
  • Erected Christmas tree and lights outside Village Hall
  • Provided Bicycle lock anchor points
  • Through the Village Hall Refurbishment Project Team, supported by an Architect under the ProHelp Scheme, undertaken village-wide consultation on the design scheme for a replacement Village Hall as a precursor to the submission of the necessary planning application and the engagement of professional fund-raisers
  • Commissioned Asbestos and Tree Root Surveys prior to the commencement of any building works
Village Groups, Organisations and Community Activities
  • Appointed Youth Worker and established Nocton Youth Club providing weekly activities, etc for children aged 7 – 11 from the village
  • Continued to support the Neighbourhood Watch Scheme
  • Continued to foster a supportive relationship with Nocton School through regular contact between the Chair, Head Teacher and Chair of Governors and presentations to the Council
  • Agreed grants to the following organisations (from 200 Club funds):
  1. All Saints Church - £250 towards maintenance of churchyard
  2. Nocton Park Management Ltd - £460 for bench and litter bin at Play Park
  3. Gardening Club - £148 to engage speaker at an event it had organised (open all residents to attend)
  4. Nocton Cricket Club - £337 towards the purchase of a mobile cricket net
  • Supported Village Picnic 2014
  • Administered monies raised by 200 Club
Nocton Hall
  • Continued to press LEDA Properties to engage with the local community as to its proposals for the Hall and associated former Hospital site
  • Continued to encourage LEDA to improve the site’s security
  • Continued to meet regularly with NKDC over issues relating to the Hall
  • Continued to press NKDC to carry out an asbestos survey of the former hospital site in the light of concerns raised by residents at Nocton Park
Planning Issues
  • Considered all planning applications involving properties and sites, etc within the parish and submitted detailed comments where considered appropriate and necessary
  • Attended a visit to the Lutterworth Wind Farm arranged by Vattenfall
  • Met with representatives of Vattenfall to discuss a range of issues raised by councillors and others relating to the proposed development
  • Attended a Community Investment Workshop organised by Vattenfall in respect of the proposed Wind Farm development
  • Agreed to attend a meeting organised by Protect Nocton Fen for parishes affected by the proposed wind farm development
  • Participated in meetings with representatives from Potterhanworth to take forward the preparation of a joint Neighbourhood Plan
  • Submitted a comprehensive and detailed response as part of the consultation on the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan
  • Formally requested the designation as Local Green Spaces (giving the land in question the same protection as that afforded to the Green Belt) the Village Green; School Playing Field; Allotment site; Nocton Park Playing Field and Play Park; and Nocton Hall “Pleasure Gardens and former Orchard”
  • Joined the Lincolnshire Heritage Group Network
  • Appointed “webmaster” from amongst local residents to support the Parish Council in making its website more user-friendly and effective
  • Prepared a village “Welcome Pack”
  • Participated in the Community Speed Watch Scheme and arranged for the erection of passive “Check Your Speed” notices in the village
  • Continued to administer the Speed Indicator Device (SID) loan scheme on behalf of local villages
  • Instigated a petition calling upon Lincolnshire CC and BT to expedite its plans to bring superfast broadband to Nocton
  • Arranged for Highways Officers to visit the village and deal with a number of traffic and signage related issues.
  • Considered options for a village magazine in “hard copy” once “The Doodle” is published in electronic format only

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