One incident was reported of an attempted break in at a house in Main Street. The alarm went off and the intruders presumably left as it appears nothing was taken.
Nocton School
Mrs Bunting, the new lead teacher, introduced herself and gave a short report on her first half term. There are now 60 children attending and 9 in the reception class, so the school is steadily growing. Harvest Festival was very successful and the next event will be the Remembrance Service at the Church on Wednesday, 11 November to which we are all invited.
Local Plan
District Councillor John Money reported on the current position regarding the Local Plan for Central Lincolnshire and tried to set our minds at ease by letting us know that although sites for some 39,000 houses had to be identified, this did not necessarily mean they would all be built! However, your Parish Council will be sending a response to NKDC as part of the consultation process prior to the Local Plan being produced, outlining the wishes of our community.
The Parish Council is going to trial the erection of white picket fencing at the entrances to the village, as a means of ‘psychological’ traffic calming. Wellhead Lane has been selected as the first road to test it out on.
Nocton and Potterhanworth Neighbourhood Plan
Thank you to everyone who returned their questionnaires - over 100 households so far! If you still have one it is not too late to hand it in at the Post Office or to one of your councillors.
Youth Club
The response to the recent advertisement for a new Youth Leader following Sarah’s recent resignation to take up a full-time post has been fairly good and it is hoped to have someone in place fairly soon after the half term break. Closing date for applications is Friday - so please, if you are interested, or know anyone who might be, let Councillor Kania or the Clerk know as soon as possible.
Village Hall Management Committee
A request to investigate the use of a computerised booking system for the Village Hall at a small annual cost was discussed. As most of the hall bookings are regular ones it was not immediately apparent how the new system would be cost-effective but it was agreed to ask the VHMC for more information on the potential benefits so that we could consider the matter again.
Village Hall Refurbishment
Mr Clarke has agreed that the old tennis courts can be used (for a limited period) for the storage of building equipment etc. whilst the new Hall is erected. The VH Project Team will now be reconvened in the near future to begin to move this project forward.
Planning Issues
The ‘re re-amended resubmitted’ application for outline permission to erect houses on the land in Wellhead Lane was once again “rejected” by the Parish Council.
It was agreed to make no comment on an application for the erection of 2 x dwellings at 14 Lincoln Road.
Councillors’ Reports
- The Christmas Tree has been ordered and will be erected prior to the Christmas Fair on Saturday, 28 November.
- SID (Speed Indicator Device) will be back in the village for December
- The Community Crime Panel will meet at the Village Hall on Monday 19 October at 7pm. The public is invited to attend to share concerns and praise!
- The Parish Council is looking into the possibility of producing a simple monthly “news sheet” (in hard copy) providing details of village events and activities, etc. If you would like to help put this together then your parish councillors would love to hear from you.
Date of next meeting
Tuesday, 10 November at 7.00pm
Please Note!
LEDA Properties may be giving a presentation on its plans for the Nocton Hall site at the November meeting. This is, however, yet to be confirmed so please keep looking at the blog and the Village notice boards, etc. for the latest information.
“You don’t have to have it all figured out to move forward”
Councillor MaryAnn Williams
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