Sunday, 18 October 2015

Neighbourhood Watch - Wildlife Crime

October 19th to 25th marks National Wildlife Crime Week

This is a national campaign to increase public knowledge on the types of wildlife crime and how to spot the signs that it is taking place.

Lincolnshire Police will be supporting the week long campaign and each day will focus on a different animal, bringing you the relevant law relating to the protection for each type.

Follow our week by looking out for our messages on LincsAlert, Twitter, or Facebook feeds.

What is wildlife crime?

Wildlife crime can take many forms, from people shooting at birds with air guns in the local park to the more organised crimes of hare coursing and the trade in endangered species.

It includes offences like poaching, killing or disturbing protected species or damaging their breeding and resting places.  These extreme pressures can push animals and plant species closer to extinction and cause animals’ unnecessary pain and suffering.

Particular areas of concern with regards to Wildlife Crime in Lincolnshire are deer poaching, badger dipping and lamping, habitat damage, persecution of Birds of Prey and wild birds in general. Many of these offences occur in remote rural areas.

The responsibility for the enforcement of the laws protecting our wildlife rests with the police service and in a lot of cases relies of information being given by members of the public.

Wildlife crime is not a victimless crime: it impacts on UK wildlife and communities with its links to other serious organised crime and anti-social behaviour.

Message sent by Gill Finn (Police & NHWN, Community Safety Officer, Police Headquarters)

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