Report on Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 12 April at 7pm
Highway Issues
B1188 Road Safety: The Highways Authority, after being presented with a petition from Dunston and letters of concern from Dunston and Nocton Parish Councils, has stated that speed was not a contributory fact to the recent spate of fatal collisions. However, they are to look at the ‘signage’ and lineage’ on this stretch of road.
Lorries through Nocton: A request to have the kerb raised on the bends has been declined as ‘lorries would (then) not be able to mount the kerb onto the verge’. Needless to say the Parish Council is to respond to this rather peculiar reasoning!
White Fencing: A number of favourable comments have been received regarding the white fencing on Wellhead Lane. It had been hoped to see what difference this would make to the speed of traffic by using data obtained from the Speed Indicator Device (SID). Unfortunately, however, the small computer needed to download and analyse the data collected by SID has failed so we will not now be able to do this until a new device is purchased. However, the intention is to erect similar white fencing/posts at the other entrances to the village; if nothing else it makes drivers aware that there is something different ahead!
Useful Number: Report Potholes 01522 782070
Nocton Youth Club: A new youth leader has been interviewed and subject to the usual background searches will be taking up the position in a week or so. Note: The Youth Club meets on a Thursday evening and on 28th April the Lincolnshire Fryer will also be in the car park of the village hall! An evening for the children and no need to cook supper!
Nocton and Potterhanworth Neighbourhood Plan
Councillor Murray gave a detailed but concise explanation on the current situation regarding the progress of the Plan. The draft version is now with NKDC so that they can formally confirm that it complies with environmental regulations. It has also been sent to an independent assessor to make sure that before the formal consultation takes place with residents for final comment, it does not contravene any existing local plans and complies with all the necessary rules. It is hoped that we will begin formal consultation on the Plan with residents by the end of May at the latest. With the threats of proposed developments in the village ever present, the Neighbourhood Plan is an important document that can be used to help stave off any unwanted/un-needed development.
The Sheiling, The Green
Erection of two dwellings including altering of Access: A number of residents have already responded to this application and also let the Parish Council know their concerns. The Parish Council is also to object for a number of reasons, including the fact that the proposed development would not confirm to policies applicable to the Conservation Area and with those outlined in the emerging Local and Neighbourhood Plans. It was also strongly felt that should such a development could establish a dangerous precedent.
Nocton News
A villager has generously offered to provide the paper for this new publication and we will check with our printer whether this would prove possible. A discussion also took place on whether the Newsletter should be able to take advertising as a way of contributing to the costs but it was felt that until an independent “editor” could be found to take this project on, the Parish Council would continue to produce the Nocton Newsletter in its current form. IF you have an interest in taking this up please contact the Clerk.
Nocton Village Hall
Tenders have now been received and the next steps will be discussed at the meeting of the Sub Committee on 18 April 2016 at 6.30 pm in the village hall. Members of the public are welcome to attend.
County Councillor Marianne Overton arrived when the council had gone into private session. Her report to us included the closure of the Whisby and Leadenham recycling facilities and the concern that fly tipping would now become a worse problem. Report Litter 01529 414155.
Annual Parish Meeting Tuesday 17 May at 7pm
Representatives of LEDA Properties are to attend to give a presentation on their current plans for the development of the Nocton Hall site and there will be an update on where we are now with the Village Hall. Plus a chance for a chat and a glass of wine!
Date of next Meeting and the AGM
Tuesday 10 May at 7pm
Broadband Update
Work is about to begin on installing a fibre optic cabinet in Nocton (opposite the Post Office on the corner of School Road. Hopefully, this will mean that residents will, at long last, be able to benefit from the faster broadband speeds enjoyed by much of the rest of the county! More details are available on the Nocton Blog.
“The problem with people is, everyone believes that they are right, and no one listens to the ones who are.”
Councillor MaryAnn Williams
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