Friday, 20 May 2016

Parish Council Report

Report of the Annual General Meeting and Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held on 12th May 2016 and Annual Parish Meeting held on 18th May 2016


Annual General Meeting

To sum up the proceedings in a few words:
  • Ian Goldsworthy to remain as the Chair and Liz Murray as the Vice-chair
  • All Councillors retain their current portfolios and the Parish Council’s various policies and procedures were formally re-adopted
  • Village Hall Rebuilding Sub-Committee members are Cllrs Williams, Jones and Kaye; Social Club and VHMC to be represented as “Advisors”
  • Meetings will, for now, be held on the second Tuesday of every month at 7pm.  However, this will be reviewed at the June meeting following a request from the Village Hall Management Committee


Parish Council meeting

North Kesteven
District Councillor Kendrick reported on the achievements of NKDC over the past year and was delighted to announce that our area is one of the safest places in Britain to live.  Tourism is on the up, especially in and around Lincoln, with the renovations to the Lincoln Castle and the Magna Carta Vault and the recent opening of the bomber command spire at Canwick

Road Safety Issues
Cllr Jones had been informed that speed was not a factor in the recent fatalities on the B1188 and that the Highways Authority intended to improve the ‘signage and lineage’ along that stretch of road.

Neighbourhood Plan and Youth Club
Updates on the Neighbourhood Plan and Youth Club were given by the Chair and Cllr Kania respectively.

Nocton Village Hall Redevelopment
Cllr Williams said that an informal meeting had been held with Simons, the company whose tender had been selected for the rebuilding of the Hall.  A site meeting on Saturday, 14th May to visit three different village halls in the area had been arranged and any interested parties were welcome to participate.

Nocton Hall
Information had been received that LEDA were intending to hire out the site to Ai500, an “Airsoft” gaming organisation.  This was met with some concern as a similar venture had been disallowed a few years ago.  Further details are to be requested.

Cricket Club
An application for grant aid from the 200 Club to purchase two new benches and parasols was received.  However, due to limited funding it was only possible to agree a grant for one bench and parasol.

Arts NK
Cllr Williams requested that ArtsNK be contacted regarding the poor quality of work done to refurbish the Nocton Village signs with a request that perhaps they could be re-done at no cost to the Parish Council.

Date of next meeting
Tuesday, 14th June 2016 at 7.00pm

Annual Parish Meeting

Last night was without doubt the best turn out at an Annual Parish Meeting for many years with over fifty residents present.

Two main subjects were presented by the Parish Council over a convivial glass of wine:

Nocton Hall
Although LEDA had been expected to attend the meeting, they were, unfortunately, not able to be represented.

The Chair, Ian Goldsworthy, reported on the recent application to hold an “Airsoft” event run by Ai500.  We have now heard that planning permission will have to be applied for and that NKDC intends to contact both Ai500 and LEDA Properties to advise them that the former Hospital site is not considered to be an acceptable location for such an event.  NKDC’s intention is to avert this problem at the earliest opportunity, in the hope that the organisers choose to cancel the event.

Other matters regarding the Hall were reported by Cllr Graham Jones:
  • Outline planning permission for its proposed housing development is likely to be applied for by LEDA by the end of 2016.  NKDC had advised that it could take some twelve months to determine any application given the complexities of the site.  LEDA has access rights along Woodland Drive and apparently will be contacting each resident separately over its intentions for that road.
  • There is, apparently, some dispute between Mr Sowerby and LEDA over boundaries to their respective sites that is ongoing.
  • A barrier is to be erected by LEDA in the near future to prevent access onto the site past The Cottage Care Home.

Neighbourhood Plan
The Chair reported briefly on the current position regarding the Neighbourhood Plan, which is in its final stages of preparation.  Of particular interest pertaining to Nocton Hall is the proposed designation of the former “pleasure gardens”, including the old walled garden, as a Local Green Space.  If approved, this would prevent any development (other than in very exceptional circumstances) from taking place on this area – something which was very well received by those present at the meeting.

Nocton Village Hall
Cllr MaryAnn Williams gave a short report on how the project had progressed since its conception in 2011, for all those who were not familiar with the details.

A display of the outline plans and an artist’s impression of the finished village hall was displayed for residents to comment on if they so wished.  These outline plans will be put on the Blog, Parish Council website and the Nocton Facebook page shortly.  The next step is for the Sub-Committee to meet with Simons, along with a representative from each of the VHMC and Social to put the ‘meat on the bones’!  Subject to residents’ approval, funding will be primarily raised through the precept.  Naturally, however, any grants or local funding will be strenuously investigated to minimise the cost to us all!

Question and answer session
After a brief ‘social time’ adjournment, the meeting reconvened and questions or clarification on various issues relating to the village were put to members of the Parish Council.

The Chair outlined the steps to getting the Neighbourhood Plan approved and gave a brief summary of its content.

Cllrs Jones and Williams commented on the various approaches to made Highways to reduce the speed and volume of traffic through the village.  Sadly, we had nothing positive to report, although at a suggestion from the floor, the Parish Council is to ask for the introduction of a 20mph speed limit through the village; this cannot be mandatory but perhaps we may be able to have advisory speed notices.

Cllr Jane Kania gave an update on the continuing growth of our Youth Club.

A resident recommended holding a course on CPR now we have a defibrillator mounted outside the village hall.  This suggestion was readily agreed on - so look out for a date and time.

The meeting closed at about 9.00pm and speaking on behalf of my fellow councillors we were all absolutely delighted with the interest shown by residents in what is going on in our village and their valued input.

Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.

Councillor MaryAnn Williams

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