Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Airsoft Event - RAF Nocton Hall

Meeting at All Saints' Church - 18th July

I refer back to my last blog on this matter. This is the Agenda from last night's meeting for those who weren't able to attend:

Nocton Village Meeting with Ai500 (Airsoft)

1. Welcome, housekeeping and introductions (by Lorna Brabin-Smith)
2. Resume of the Airsoft proposal (by Ai500)
3. Local concerns
These are grouped under six headings. We will ask the village to state their concerns and ask their questions and invite the Ai500 representatives, Paul Monaf and Ben Webb, to respond, one heading at a time:
i) access to the site
ii) excess traffic and disruption to village life
iii) noise and distress to vulnerable residents
iv) overnight accommodation arrangements for participants
v) health and safety:
- water supplies, sanitation and refuse disposal
- asbestos
- stray gun pellets
vi) marshalling arrangements

4. Any other concerns
- Questions and answers

5. Straw poll
- have villagers been reassured?
- would villagers now be happy for the proposed event to go ahead?

I have requested a copy of the formal Minutes from the meeting and will ensure these are posted in the blog upon receipt. To conclude, you may like to see the comment from the Parish Council:

"Further to yesterday's public meeting with Ai500, I received a call from Paul Monaf this morning in which he told me that because of the "hostile and rude" response of the community, they would now be going ahead and running the event anyway - unless NKDC took out an injunction to prevent it from occurring. I got the distinct impression that there would be no further engagement with the village. This is, of course, very disappointing.

I have advised NKDC and asked that we be kept informed of any developments.
Finally, may I thank all those residents who gave up their time to attend the meeting and to Lorna Brabin-Smith for hosting and chairing it."

Ian Goldsworthy
Chair of Nocton Parish Council

The content in this particular blog post is courtesy of the 'What's on in Nocton, Lincolnshire' Facebook site - many thanks

If you have access to Facebook, you may like to read Daniel Marshall's open letter posted online to Ai500.

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