Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Marianne Overton MBE - October news

News from your local Independent Councillor

These are extracts from the latest newsletter from Marianne that have some relevance to Nocton:

"More government?

The people of Lincolnshire voted against having a new layer of government covering ten council areas, called a mayoral authority. At a time when we are seriously short of funds, the new costs are estimated at £2.2m, including the election costs. The benefits are uncertain and the rules subject to change.

We are around £78m short to run our County Council services, but the £15m pa offered can’t be used for that. It has to be for “growth”, a plan set by a business-led body, the Lincolnshire Enterprise partnership. The plan includes building 100,000 more houses.

This is a lot more people drawn in but without a matching increase in funds for services. So who is going without a school place, a hospital bed and an ambulance when needed?

The Council will be voting on it, but the County Council Leader makes the decision alone.  This may well be an indication of the future in the new layer of government, disconnected from elected members and from the public. We don’t need the extra bureaucracy; we just need the money in Lincolnshire.


In order to get onto the step to get a Mayor, the Conservatives on the County Council voted to accept a settlement from Central government that makes us the poorest funded council in the country. This means more cuts on top of the serious reductions already in place. Almost to a person, Lincolnshire Independents spoke and voted against this self- destruction, calling for more backbone in standing up for Lincolnshire now, when it counts.

Parish Councils could run more services. There is new proposal to limit that by capping Parish Council precepts of the larger Parish or Town Councils. Is this the thin edge of the wedge?

The Inspector cometh…Local Plan

From November 1st in Lincoln two Inspectors will be dissecting the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan. That is the set of rules against which all planning applications have to be compared to decide if they get passed or not. The Inspectors listen to the evidence and make their decisions.

I have a seat at the table, so I shall be speaking up for our villages and our District. My submission is available on the web.  The schedule of the inspection is on https://www.n-kesteven.gov.uk/central-lincolnshire/local-plan-examination/

Campaign: Art and Heritage

Keith Elms of Harmston has written in defence of funding for the Rural Touring Programme. The County Council is proposing to cut the funding.  Art can be seen as a soft target, but is vital to our quality of life and has been shown to be important for health. This erodes our quality of life and is hard on the heels of other appalling decisions, such as the closure Waste Recycling Sites.

What happened to libraries is about to happen to heritage, according to what was said at a recent meeting at LCC. Libraries, arts and heritage are all under the responsibility of one Conservative Councillor, Cllr Worth from Holbeach, and the Conservative Leader.

A good number of Chairmen of Friends Group were at the County Council Executive meeting last week to hear the first step being agreed. If you would like to help, please let me know.


Access to Wellbeing Services and care
The Carers service is accessible through 01522 782224 carers_team@lincolnshire.gov.uk
Support for Adult care is available 01522 782155

roadworks@lincolnshire.gov.uk. To receive info’ on twitter #lincscc_roads

Help save lives and keep countryside clean
Report Potholes 01522 782070 http://www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/potholes
Or use “Fix my street” on line – works well. http://www.FixMyStreet.com
Report Litter
01529 414155 customer_services@n-kesteven.gov.uk
Adult Concern
01522 782151
The Wellbeing service will help set up and people in a vulnerable position with more or less anything, from finance, transport, support groups etc. 01522 782140
Lincs 2 Advice are on 0300 303 8789
Non urgent
Health 111, Police 101
Internet fraud
0300 123 2040

Transport and Travel
Call Connect 8.30am - 7pm Weekdays and to 5pm Saturdays 0345 234 33 44 or 01522 553143 www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/callconnect/35955.article
Dial a ride 01522 544983 Disabled door to door
Car-sharing www.lincshare.co.uk
Trains www.thetrainline.com
Local Plan
www.central-lincs.org.uk 01529 308084

Village websites
www.facebook.com/groups/WhatOnInNocton "

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