Monday, 17 October 2016

Parish Council Report

Report Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 11 October at 7.00pm

Apologies were received from one Parish Councillor, both District Councillors, our County Councillor and the police, so the meeting was a relatively short one this time!

The half yearly budget for the Parish Council was presented and to date is in accordance with the expenditure and income forecasts.

BT Payphone
BT is intending to remove the phone from the kiosk at the entrance to the Village Green.  It is understood, however, that BT does not intend to remove the box.  Please contact the Clerk if you have a need or suggestion for its future use.

Nocton Youth Club
There was a very successful meeting on the future of the Nocton Youth Club and several volunteers from the village came forward to run it.  Over the past year various youth workers have been employed, but unfortunately all have left for a variety of reasons.  A big thank you to all those who have stepped forward.  If you are interested in helping (in any small way) then please let Councillor Kania or the Clerk know.

Nocton Village Hall Redevelopment
Councillor Williams reported that the pursuit of funding had started and the first of these applications will require LOTS of support in the way of a vote on-line for the project.  Aviva has accepted the application for the proposal and from 20th October we need everyone, including family and friends, to vote for it, if we are to be successful.  So watch out for the email on what to do.  It also appears that the various funding bodies that gave large tranches of money are withdrawing by the day; however there are lots of smaller grants available.  Sqd. Ldr. Dan Marshall is helping with an application for a grant from the Armed Forces and once we have planning permission, we will tap into as many funding opportunities as we can.  So thank you for taking the time to fill in questionnaires and give your thoughts and ideas; all this information is vital to the success of getting some of the costs of our new hall funded.

Unfortunately, the application for a dwelling on the former tennis court on land to the rear of the Village Hall was approved by NKDC’s Planning Committee.  It goes without saying that all the Parish Councillors were stunned by this decision, especially in the light of the fact that this proposal was recommended for refusal by the planning officers.  The casting vote from the Planning Committee Chair decided the outcome.  Your Parish Council is well aware of the frustration, disappointment and anger that many of the residents feel on yet another decision to build in Nocton being approved.  A firm response, etc to this latest decision will be made by your Parish Council.

Another proposed house - Plot 72A Formerly 27 Steamer Point Road Nocton Lincoln Lincolnshire LN4 2DA.  16/0795/FUL.  If you don’t already know, this is to be heard on 18 October at 5.00pm at NKDC Sleaford.  If you can, please come and support us in trying to ensure that this application is not approved.  Perhaps by a large contingent of residents attending it will show the Planning Committee that Noctonites are passionate about where they live.

Reports from Parish Councillors
Councillor Murray
Hard copies of the Neighbourhood Plan are available and the two public consultations held so far have generated some interest.  If you haven’t completed the survey and wish to, please hand it in at the Post Office or to a councillor.
Councillor Williams
Two dates for the diary: Bangers and Mash on 5th November and the Christmas Fair on 26th November.
White Fencing
The next set of white ‘fences’ at the entrances to the village are being prepared.  Once ready to install, a working party will be put together to clear the brambles etc. from the proposed sites.  It is also intended to clear the end section of the Village Green and to reclaim the land that has become very overgrown.  If you have a mind to help, please let Cllr Williams or the Clerk know.
Pansies have been planted for an early spring show as the herbaceous plants die back and the boxes are to get a further coat of preservative.
Councillor Jones
The Community Policing Panel is due to meet on Monday, 24th October in Nocton Village Hall at 7.00pm.  This is open to the public and is a useful way to hear about policing and crime prevention issues in our area.

Date of Next Meeting
Tuesday, 15th November at 7.00pm in the Village Hall

Doctored quote!
“The greater ignorance towards a village is not ignoring what its advisors have to say, it is ignoring what the residents who live there have to say.”

Councillor MaryAnn Williams

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