Thursday 22 March 2018

Nocton Village Hall - planning decision

Approval with conditions

Further to my blog dated 19 Mar 2018, I can now report the planning application 18/0073/FUL has been approved.

I am particularly pleased to see that strict measures have been applied to ensure the three mature lime trees are fully protected. Indeed, there are special conditions that have to be satisfied even before work can commence. I have extracted the relevant paragraphs from the Decision Notice dated 22 Mar 2018:

Paragraph 3
"Notwithstanding the letter from Simons dated 1 March 2018, prior to the commencement of any development (including the demolition of the existing village hall), additional site investigation works shall be undertaken, the details of which shall have first been agreed with the District Planning Authority, to ascertain the most appropriate method of construction within the Root Protection Areas of the 3no. TPO trees on the eastern boundary of the site.

For the avoidance of doubt such details shall include the method of implementing the disabled access ramp. The site investigation works shall inform a method statement for the carrying out of those works within the RPA, which shall also be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the commencement of any development. Thereafter works shall be carried out entirely in line with the agreed details."

Paragraph 7
"Prior to the commencement of any works on site (including demolition and site clearance or tree works), a Tree Protection Plan (TPP) and an Arboricultural Method Statement (AMS) for the protection of all retained trees, hedges and shrubs, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the district planning authority."

The following paragraph also places a condition that has to be complied with before the new Village Hall is first occupied:

Paragraph 6
"Prior to the first occupation of the village hall hereby approved, the existing tarmacked surface/hardstandings within the root protection areas of the retained trees (on the eastern side of the existing village hall) as shown within the figures contained in the submitted CF landscapes tree survey dated July 2017 shall be removed in full and all arising's removed from site."

If you want to study the Decision Notice in its entirety, it can be located on the Planning Portal of North Kesteven District Council using the planning reference mentioned above.

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