Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Parish Council Meeting

Presentation by Vattenfall representative

These are my personal notes from the meeting. If I have interpreted anything incorrectly, please do leave comments below so that amendments can be registered.

Introduction by Vice Chair [Parish Council]
This is the start of a very long process. Nocton Parish Council will be working with Dunston, Potterhanworth and possibly Bardney Parish Councils in view of the location of the proposed wind farm. Additional public meetings shall be arranged as necessary.

The company have 'an option' to develop a wind farm on Nocton Fen. There will be a full consultation exercise to identify all concerns and opportunities arising from the project. Studies will be undertaken to assess the visual impact, any impact from noise and the socio-economic impacts. This will feed in to an Environmental Impact Assessment Scoping document. It is hoped that everyone 'gets involved' with the consultation process.

The company were aware of the previous plans by Renewable Energy Systems Ltd, but technology has changed so there is the opportunity to look at this site again. Precise details of construction are still unavailable as it is very early in the project timeline e.g. whether pylons would be necessary to link the sub-station to the grid; logistics of construction (it appears a 'swept path analysis' has already been carried out to identify whether the road network is suitable).

Please see the enclosed extracts from a Stakeholder Briefing Note which gives more detail of the timelines of the project.

Beeswax Farming
The company bought the land knowing there was the option to develop a wind farm on Nocton Fen. Indeed, the farm couldn't be bought with the option excluded... it was part of the sales agreement. Beeswax are neutral over onshore wind and as the land was bought for farming, they do not intend to make any financial gain from the project. Any gain as a landowner will pass to the community, adding to any community fund from Vattenfall. Beeswax want to ensure that all consultation processes with the community are robust.

Dyson Family
Also take a neutral approach about onshore wind energy. Again there was a wish to ensure that the community are properly consulted during the process to assess the site suitability.

District Councillor
Expressed disappointment that Vattenfall hadn't approached the Council before meeting with the local community. It transpires that in 2010 each County were given a percentage of renewable energy to achieve [by the Government?]. Lincolnshire have more than achieved their target for renewables, via windfarm developments and 'energy from waste' plants etc.

In view of the potential size of the Vattenfall project, it was thought that any plans will end up with the Secretary of State for consideration, rather than at a local County or District planning level (although they will be invited to contribute as statutory consultees).

East Heckington
This project was mentioned by the District Councillor. You may like to study the Inspector's Report to the Secretary of State which makes interesting reading.


  1. Thank you very much for posting this information. I was unable to attend the meeting in person. Please continue to post any updates on here!

  2. No problem Sarah. I will try and keep the community updated as much as possible, subject to attending the meetings and obtaining the info. Kind regards.

  3. A useful meeting very well chaired but would have liked the spokesman from Vattenhall to have spoken a bit louder. A resident from Metheringham with a particular concern for the impact of a wind farm on the bird life etc, I am opposed in principle to this wind farm, and will no doubt be making further comments in due course.

  4. Thank you for your observations Richard. In my experience, when addressing a large audience, one has to project the voice much louder than would be normal... not helped in this instance by the Vattenfall spokesperson sitting down and presenting the information. Kind regards.

  5. Thanks Geoff. Not being a resident of Nocton I am reticent to say too much but I was thinking this afternoon that if the majority of residents of Nocton were opposed to a wind farm, and a local anti-wind farm group was formed it would need a catchy name. I though of NOWT - Nocton opposes wind turbines. Just an idea and I'm sure others have better ones, but at least it might provoke people's thinking.
    I know the above states an opposition to wind turbines in general, and it would need to be clear one was referring to Nocton itself. If you said "Nocton opposed to wind turbines" it would make it sound more localised.
    I hope other people will voice their opinions.
    Kind Regards

  6. Hi Richard, I'm sure others will be considering the matter too. I do not have strong opinions either way about wind turbines, but will still be interested to see how things develop as more information becomes available from Vattenfall. I am hoping to stay quite neutral, simply aiming to use the blog as a source of information for the local community. Kind regards.

  7. Vattenfall have gone for over 50MW because they know that any planning permission decision for over 50MW falls into a "National Infrastructure" project and therefore it will be decided by the Secretary of State and NOT NKDC.

    Local views will of course be considered and there will be consultation with the surrounding villagers however I am sure many millions of people outside of the area would support the application. Non NIMBYS I guess.

    However with the UKs future energy needs becoming critical in the not to distant future one can imagine what the government decision may be.

    No extra pylons will be needed, just an underground ring link from each 17 - 25 turbines connecting to a new or existing local sub station - Bardney looks favourite - then into the grid network. Link tracks roads will connect around the site.

    Local house prices near to wind farms, according to a RICS survey, may reduce by up to 8%. Interesting to see what local estate agents may think and how house sales proceed from now on in. House conveyance solicitors will already be making their buyers verbally aware although no formal application has yet been made.

    As a land windfarm its massive.
    Two year access to build - have a guess which village.
    Permanent access to operate and maintain - have another guess.

    Hemswell Cliff PP was refused by their local District Council because the windfarm was under 50MW. The appeals procedure will almost certainly now kick in and the company will appeal to the Secretary of State - Mr Pickles - who will make the final decision. Current government policy is "go" for green.

    Only my opinion. Totally against a carbuncle on the landscape. Hate the things.

  8. Thanks Mick for your thoughtful comment. I'm sure many people with be sympathetic to your views. Kind regards.


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