The following leaflet dropped through my letterbox yesterday. I suspect these were widely dispersed throughout the village, so you may already have a personal copy.
Is this the precursor of yet another campaign for Nocton and surrounding villages?
Public views sought on 23-turbine wind farm near Lincoln
'People are being given the chance to tell a developer what they think of an idea to build up to 23 wind turbines at Nocton Fen.'
This leaflet is the usual response from the NAAWATs in our community (NAAWAT = Not Anything AnyWhere Any Time). No need to wait for the exact information about what is planned - we are experts, we know, don't confuse us with facts. As is typical there is always an American doctor or researcher who has done 'ground-breaking' research. And of course it has not been published in a reputable scientific journal. And the Davis story has never been substantiated by objective evidence.
ReplyDeleteI urge everyone to keep an open mind and to remember that climate change is real and the projections are getting more certain and worse.
Thank you for your comment Ralph, which may perhaps be perceived as a little harsh. I believe people have the right to a viewpoint, especially so if there is the potential for a particular development to blight their lives.
ReplyDeleteAs you say though, this must be founded on good research and a well thought through case put forward to argue points, whether for or against.
You have somewhat took the wind out of my sails (so to speak), as I had already drafted a blog for tomorrow with a number of links to websites related to wind energy.
Personally, I am quite neutral on the topic and believe turbines can help contribute to our energy crisis, as long as they are located in the right place. Indeed, this is one campaign I will not be getting involved in, having devoted all my energies helping to get the super dairy plans withdrawn/refused permission. I now intend enjoying my early retirement!!
Could Ralph perhaps be on the Payroll or Sir James Dyson? He seems quite a supporter already.
ReplyDeleteThe land was purchased in May and quoted as saying it will remain farmland. He had a quick change of heart....
Thank you for your interest in this article. Firstly, I do request that all contributors leave their name as a matter of courtesy. Secondly, I think it is important not to make assumptions about things. Naming particular individuals and levying unfounded accusations can open one to potential litigation, so it is in your own interest to base comment on hard facts. Thirdly, it is Beeswax Farming that owns the land, not Sir James Dyson personally and I believe a company representative will be attending the Parish Council meeting at Nocton Village Hall on 5th November (7.00pm) to provide a statement (see blog entry of 1st November). May I suggest we all wait to hear what they have to say, before clouding the issue any further.
ReplyDeleteYour comments, noted, Geoff. I agree with you that if people want to make pejorative remarks they should at least have the courage to name themselves.
ReplyDeleteAll I was asking is for people to keep an open mind. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but not to their own facts.
Stuff found on the internet is not necessarily fact. Indeed, most stuff on the internet is just personal opinion and much of it complete nonsense; anyone can write anything they like. Thus, of the links you provide, only the Wikipedia one is really worth reading as it is the only one referring to proper, peer-reviewed, research with links to the original work so one can follow it up. The other links mostly just give opinions and refer to anecdotal evidence.
My last post seems to have come out as 'Anonymous said'. Please correct to 'Ralph said'
ReplyDeleteHi Ralph. Thanks for letting me know, although I had gathered it was from you. I do not have the facility to alter reader's comments once moderation has been carried out. I allow all contributions in their entirety, except for obvious spam or those incorporating bad language. Regards.