Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Nocton Hall - Kemp & Kemp presentation

Potential Development

These are my personal notes from the Parish Council meeting last night - as such these are my interpretation of what was presented by Stephen Sensecall (Partner - Kemp & Kemp).

Sarah Hunt (Planner - Kemp & Kemp) was also in attendance, along with the members of Nocton Parish Council and a number of interested residents.

Two presentation boards were available on display:
Image 1 shows the site boundaries, limitations and potential development areas
Image 2 shows an illustrative master-plan

Image 1

Image 2

Key Details

The following key details were mentioned:
  • Consultation with North Kesteven District Council was resurrected about one year ago
  • Stabilisation costs for Nocton Hall are estimated to be in the region of £2.5 million
  • The situation currently is that Leda Properties have the 'bones of a scheme'
  • There will be an obligation on any developer to preserve the setting of Nocton Hall
  • A key principle of any design is for the pleasure gardens of Nocton Hall to retain beneficial access by the public
  • Costs will be significant to clear the RAF Hospital site
  • The illustrative master-plan shows a small development located in the walled gardens (the old kitchen garden of Nocton Hall), consisting of 4 - 6 small units
  • To the North of the RAF Hospital site, it is estimated there will be 150 units.
  • To the South of the RAF Hospital site, a rather different concentration of units, with 20 or so larger properties
  • Leda Properties are confident this is the minimum development required in order to carry out all the necessary work, to clear the rather complex Hospital site, to stabilise Nocton Hall and to return a profit for the owners
  • In total circa 200 units will be required overall
  • Specialists are currently being commissioned to carry out the various surveys relating to heritage, ecology, highways etc
  • The draft Lincolnshire Local Plan shows no housing development currently scheduled for Nocton
  • Leda Properties will potentially seek some surety for the development, by requesting an exception to the Lincolnshire Local Plan for this specific site in Nocton
  • The access routes into the potential development site are still to be fully reviewed - a Highways Consultant has been appointed for this purpose
  • Woodland Drive on Nocton Park was mentioned as one of the access points - whilst this is a private road and a narrow tree-lined access, Leda Properties are of the opinion they have a legal right of way along its route
  • As such, Leda Properties also have a legal ability to improve Woodland Drive too - by resurfacing or widening (subject to planning)
  • In the pre-planning discussions with North Kesteven District Council, there has been no inference that stabilisation of Nocton Hall has to take priority over the development
  • It was felt the stabilisation of Nocton Hall would have to be carried out 'in parallel' with the new development, due to the high costs involved
  • It is expected that a Section 106 agreement will be sought by North Kesteven District Council [these are private agreements made between local authorities and developers and can be attached to a planning permission to make acceptable development which would otherwise be unacceptable in planning terms. The land itself, rather than the person or organisation that develops the land, is bound by a Section 106 Agreement - so this is something any future owners will need to take into account.]
  • English Heritage also have an 'enabling case' too - this is a guidance note that will need to be observed when carrying out the work on Nocton Hall and its grounds
  • The minimum timeframe for the production of surveys is expected to be a least 6 months, with an outline planning application possibly taking much longer
  • It is important to remember that Leda Properties are not developers - if/when an outline planning application is granted, the site will potentially be sold on with outline planning to be developed.


  1. Any development on the proposed site should, and MUST be restricted to:

    A. The entire old Hospital site; now in ruins, and a danger absolute if left untouched.

    B. Nocton Hall despite being a terrible ruins after the fire should and MUST be either demolished and rebuilt using 3D projected design. Or; to be made into a heritage type site that will remain perfectly safe for anyone visiting the area.

    C. The ridiculous proposal for affordable housing in the area known as the 'walled-gardens' is as stated. Ridiculous. There is no two way access. It is a haven to wildlife. It should become a green space to be enjoyed by Nocton residents.

  2. The Annual Parish meeting took place tonight and Leda Properties and RAF Nocton Hall was discussed. A report of the meeting will be published in the blog over the next few days. I believe the walled garden is included in the draft Neighbourhood Plan as a public green space. If the Plan is formally agreed and adopted later this year, no development will be permitted in this area.

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