Monday, 4 April 2016

Sowerby Homes - Nocton Park

Home-buyers' anger at unfinished roads

'Hundreds of new homeowners are said to be living on unfinished housing developments and residents claim they are powerless when left with incomplete roads, sometimes without streetlights or pavements.'

Resident Adoption Action Group

'Many councils and water companies are what can only be described in some instances as lethargic with regards to reacting and using their powers to stimulate progress from the offending developer. As hardworking council tax and water rate paying individuals these adopting parties have a duty to us the residents in demonstrating that positive movement towards achievement is achieved. The greatest launch pad to provoking activity in these instances is undoubtedly ......People Power!'

Sowerby Homes Estate - Phases 1 - 3

Further to my blogs of 27th January 2016 and 24th February 2016, I have taken photographs of the road surface along Nocton Park Road, right through to Wegberg Road. Whilst the disruption encountered by the residents on Wegberg Road with regard to Phase 3 of the development is relatively recent, all residents have had to live for a number of years with the unfinished road laid during Phases 1 and 2, which still hasn't been completed with a top surface.

Residents of Nocton Park will draw their own conclusions from the experience of living on this estate and having to navigate the many raised manholes, grids and avoiding potholes and surface water/dirt along this unfinished access road.

1 comment:

  1. The following is an extract from an email received on 6th April from the Clerk to the Parish Council:
    "You are, of course, entirely correct, in noting that with regards to the Nocton Park development, the Parish Council has absolutely no powers (statutory or otherwise) to deal with the problems being experienced by residents. As you may be aware, however, the Parish Council has raised the matter with very senior planning and other officers at NKDC who, at our request, have spoken to the developer personally in an effort to resolve the various matters. A copy of the response from NKDC was read out at the last Parish Council meeting although I am aware that not all residents at Nocton Park were convinced that it would bring about any significant improvements to the situation. The most the Parish Council can do is to seek to bring pressure to bear on those bodies which do have the powers to take action although, again, we have been advised that it appears that there is little they can do either. The Parish Council has also facilitated a meeting between a representative of the residents and the local police who had offered to mediate although I do not know the outcome. I will, however, ask the Parish Council if it wishes to draw the matter to the attention of the Highways Authority."


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