Saturday, 28 May 2016

Airsoft event - RAF Nocton Hall

Operation Dark Heart

I have previously reported on the intentions of Ai500 to use the old hospital site for Airsoft events:
  1. Details of a meeting between Leda Properties / Kemp and Kemp / Parish Council and North Kesteven District Council dated 9th May 
  2. Supplementary information in my blog dated 10th May 2016
  3. Report of the Annual Parish Meeting dated 18th May 2016.
You may like to know that Ai500 is now advertising the event - this includes details of the dates, ticket price and a map of the area to be used.

This is an extract from Ai500's Facebook page, posted Thursday 26th May:

"Welcome to Ai500: DARK HEART

After the embarrassment of defeat at the Titan Research Facility, the Vipers fled, bedraggled, wounded and damaged. The Mongoose faction attempted to pursue them but the conflict had taken it's toll on them too. Enraged by the inability to chase down his foe and seal victory by crushing the enemy entirely, their leader resolved to stand fast and muster their full strength again before finishing the task... for who knows what evil lurks in the heart's of man?

October 22/23
Location RAF Nocton Hall
Ticket price £100
£20 discount for players that attended Op Titan."

This is the outline map for the area.


  1. Perhaps we could invite them to the next Parish Council meeting to explain what they are planning on doing and give them advise about Leda.

  2. Thanks for your comment - I understand an Ai500 representative is expected to attend the Parish Council meeting on 12th July to give more information and take questions about the event.

  3. I see that the map they are using is Leda's map which only shows their part of Nocton Hall grounds - not the bits owned by the residents or the care home... In spite of Ai500's stated aim to work with the village, they have not been to speak to anyone who lives in the Hall grounds or the manager of the care home. I am not even sure they know we are there.

  4. Thanks Liz. Certainly, if the Main drive up to the RAF Hospital is going to be used for access, one would have thought it imperative for Leda/Ai500 to liaise with the immediate neighbours over potential issues arising from traffic.

  5. There appears to be mixed messages surrounding this event, which will need to be clarified. Further to the announcement at the Annual Parish Meeting that 'Prior Approval' was going to be refused, you may like to see this message that I received from Paul Monaf implying that NKDC have given verbal approval for the event to go ahead - this is the message in its entirety:
    "Hello Mr Hall
    Just wanted to point ourt that you have been given miss information
    NKDC has given us verbil permission to go ahead with the event (I am waiting paper confirmation )
    We will be working very closely with both NKDC and the Parrish over the next coming weeks and months
    If you wish to discuss this further please feel free to contact me on 07736 809241"


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