Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Nocton Hall - improved security

Barrier restricting vehicular access

In my blog dated 12th May 2016, I reported that costings had been obtained by Leda Properties for installation of a security barrier at Nocton Hall.

The Clerk's Report to Parish Council for the meeting held Tuesday 14th June, advised the barrier would be installed sometime this week, weather permitting.

I am now pleased to report the security barrier has been erected this morning.

Plate 1 - New barrier

Plate 2 - Reverse side
This should now act as a suitable deterrent to those who choose to carry out fly-tipping, or leave their vehicles in the area of Nocton Hall and the RAF Hospital entrance, whilst illegally accessing the site for 'urban exploring'.


  1. You have a beautiful village and I absolutely applaud you for keeping it so nice.I realise the old hospital site and damaged hall is a bit of a blot on the local landscape and it high time that the listed hall was restored and the area tidied up.However,when private companies are involved this very rarely happens quickly.However, I do note that Leda are doing "bits and bobs" here and there,such as the barrier,hopefully that will stop large scale flytipping.However it will not stop pedestrians or urban explorers.
    However, I would point out that "urban exploring" as it is so loosely called is not an illegal act,unless damage is caused etc.It is simply civil trespass.
    As a former serviceman who has had a long connection with the site,I returned a couple of years ago to take some photographs for old times sake.I was horrified at the state of the old place,I simply walked onto the site through massive holes in the fence,had a leisurely stroll and left with many photographic memories captured.The only vandals or miscreants we encountered were a group of lads about 10/12 years old smashing up asbestos sheets.Due to their age we assumed them to be fairly local.We avoided them to avoid abuse and asbestos dust.Therefore in summary,many people who visit the site do so for memories sake,accessing an open site is not illegal but civil trespass which is not a criminal act.They can simply be asked to leave.You should be more concerned by the relatively "local" people who fly tip rubbish,let their dogs mess at will and the aforementioned feral "local"children who seem hellbent on contracting asbestosis.Visitors to your lovely village do not tend to do these things and respect it,as we did.Thank you for reading this.Sqn/ldr/Dr A.Wilson (Retd),Former RAF Nocton Hospital.

  2. Thank you for your comment and for clarifying the point re urban explorers.

  3. Many genuine photographers are interested in taking photographs of or in abandoned buildings such as Nocton Hall and Hospital. They certainly feel just as strongly as the villagers about vandalism and fly tipping. I wonder if a solution would be some kind of 'official' way to visit the site, perhaps involving a local camera club and in a way that visits can be done safely and with the consent and support of the local community.

    1. I think that is an excellent idea. Any organisation, or individual for that matter, is free to contact the owners for permission to access the site. Thanks for your comment.

  4. was casevac too this hospital twice during my service career and its shocking the state of the place ,I remember the hall being an old folks home and nocton itself a very tidy village,saddens me to see the old place like this

  5. Respectful explorers aren't the problem. Disrespectful people are. I would say that most people who make the effort to view this magnificent building do so because they genuinely want to take in and appreciate the surroundings.

  6. Thanks for your comment. With good fortune, this building may yet be saved from total destruction and be available for future generations to enjoy too.

  7. Could anyone tell me how to contact the correct people to take a look inside, myself and a few photographer friends are itching to get into this beautiful building

    1. You would need to contact the owners Leda Properties Ltd for permission Claire. However as the building is very unstable and fenced off for health and safety reasons, I certainly would not recommend it. Regards.


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