Report from Parish Council Meeting held on 14th June, 2016
Ai500 Airsoft Event 22/23 October 2016 Old Hospital Site, Nocton Hall
A large number of concerned residents attended the meeting to listen to a report from Michelle Hoyles, Compliance and Enforcement Team Leader for NKDC. Michelle explained what the District Council could and could not do in respect of this event and assured the residents that everything that could be done was being done. However, as is often the case in one-off events such as these, the District Council’s powers were extremely limited and appropriate information not always forthcoming. It was, therefore not entirely certain whether NKDC could prevent the event from going ahead without planning permission, as Ai500 had indicated it would do.
Michelle asked that any information that a member of the public became aware of be passed to her or the Parish Clerk so that it can be put together with all the other material being collated. This event (subject to information received) could be halted right up to the day before it was due to start, although it was hoped that matters would be resolved before then.
Several members of the village spoke and helped to give Michelle a clearer picture of the disruption and anxiety this event would cause, particularly as it was being held in such close proximity to homes, including a residential care home that specialises in dementia.
Ai500 is, however, to be invited to an Open Meeting on Monday 18 July 7.30pm - 9pm to answer residents’ questions, deal with their concerns and to put their case for holding the event. Please try to attend.
Nocton Park
We have again agreed to draw NKDC’s attention to the continuing serious problems being experienced by residents at Nocton Park as a consequence of the construction of the final phase of the Peter Sowerby development with a request that all possible avenues are urgently explored to resolve the position to the benefit of all concerned.
Police Report
No incidents were reported this month. The PCSO was advised about the recent removal of a BT pole at Nocton Park and also asked to confirm whether it was legal to skate board down a bridle path path. Both items will be investigated and we will be advised of the outcome.
Speed Signage
In response to a query by a resident to consider the installation of interactive speed boards, Councillor Jones has investigated whether this is required and the cost to the Parish Council. From the data available, speed and accidents caused by speeding is not enough of an issue to warrant investment in such signs that cost in the region of £2000. We will, however, continue to use our Speed Indicator Device (SID) in rotation with our neighbouring villages and the new computer that is to be purchased to collate data from the device will give valuable information on the speed and frequency of vehicles coming through the village.
The number and size of HGVs that come through the village is not deemed by the Highways Authority to be a problem which considers the roads quite adequate.
White fences are to be erected at the Potterhanworth entrance to the village and Councillor Kaye asked that advertising signs not be placed on them as they were a safety feature.
Village Keeper/Dog Warden
Colin is to include the cutting of the grass around the Village Hall on behalf of the VHMC and also to inform people walking dogs in Nocton Park that they must be kept on a lead at all times. Despite his best efforts, and those of conscientious residents, fouling is a continued problem on the Park and there have been some instances of dogs off leads causing real problems. Nocton Park is a still a privately owned area of Nocton and although it is open to all residents of the village, we all need to respect the rules that apply i.e. 20 mph speed limits on the majority of the roads and dogs to be kept on leads.
Continuing with the dog fouling issue, the poop bag dispenser on the Bridlepath is not being used responsibly; no sooner is it filled then all the bags appear to be removed. It is intended to monitor the situation for a month and if the “theft” of these bags continues, the facility will be removed, as your Parish Council has no wish to waste money.
Kevin Clark, a resident and Beeswax employee, asked that the PRIVATE areas on the surrounding fields and woods be adhered to. Beeswax is working hard at trying to minimise the impact of its farming and to improve the local environment, with, amongst other things, the introduction of wild life corridors and managed woodlands. Signs have been smashed and trees felled and the wood stolen. If anyone sees or hears anything that appears suspicious, please contact Beeswax or let the Parish Clerk know.
Youth Club
Jim Eagle gave a talk on Beekeeping that kept the children enthralled! If anyone else has a subject or hobby that they think our Youth club would be interested in hearing about, please contact Councillor Jane Kania or the Parish Clerk.
Neighbourhood Plan
Councillor Murray gave a report on the process that now has to be gone through before the Plan is finally adopted. The Plan is now with NKDC for environmental screening and this may take some weeks. It will then go through TWO six week periods of consultation with residents, local businesses, land owners and other interested parties. In the meantime, the Plan will be available for viewing on the Parish Council website and on “nocpotblog”. Residents cannot comment at this stage but will have the opportunity to do so during the formal consultation process which, it is hoped, will begin in late Summer/early Autumn. A referendum will then be held and although it is everyone’s right to vote how they wish, the Parish Council will be urging that this Plan is adopted, if only to afford some protection from the developers!
Councillor Mike Kaye reported that despite the Parish Council’s strong objection, the outline permission for a dwelling to the rear of The Shieling had been granted by NKDC. Councillor Kaye and a local resident, David Glew, both spoke against the proposal as did our District Councillor John Money, County Councillor Marianne Overton and several other councillors. There was a heated debate on the application although the proposal was eventually approved. Councillor Kaye reported that due to the genuine concerns raised by so many councillors at the meeting, it is likely that from now on any planning permission for development within a conservation area will have to comprise a full planning application with outline plans not being considered.
Councillors Williams and Mike Kaye met with the NKDC tree specialist last week for an inspection of the trees on the Village Green. It is being recommended that the crowns of the trees be lifted to three metres and that the school be advised to fell the two firs in the corner of the front garden that are causing damage to the path.
The canker on the horse chestnuts was not causing a problem but the branches that are impinging on the BT lines to private homes need to be trimmed.
The area to the rear of the green should also be cleared back to the old fence line. The Parish Council will wait to receive the specialist report before beginning any works.
Parish Council Meeting Dates
It was decided to continue to meet on the second Tuesday of each month but to review this again once the new Village Hall has been built.
Date of Next Meeting: Tuesday, 12 July 2016 at 7.00 pm
If you are ever accused of being a NIMBY (not in my back yard) just reply that no you are a BIMBY (Beautiful in My Back Yard)!
Councillor MaryAnn Williams
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